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I was scheduled to be in sword fighting class this afternoon. I skipped lunch to process what I had watched but it wasn't getting any better. I felt so much guilt for the loss of Gregor that I just wanted to lay on the floor sulking for all eternity. I had changed into a proper outfit for sword fighting but I knew I would be a little late because I had no energy to rush to class. I had used it all to mogrify and try to save gregor.

A knock found itself on my door but I ignored it until the second one came. I got to my feet but still didn't answer it so a third one came, and then a shrill voice.

“y/n if you dont open this door right now i'll break it open myself.” Beatrix threatened as I finally went to the door and threw it open.

“What do you want?” I questioned with a sour look on my face.

“Professor dovey said you weren't feeling very good so she sent me to check on you and see if you wanted to go to the groom room.” Beatrix said politely.

“I can't, I have sword fighting.” I replied in a monotone voice.

“Fine, but will you at least tell me what's on your mind? It doesn't do well to dwell on things that make you sad.” she said sympathetically as she sat us down in fluffy chairs.

“I don't want to talk about it.” I said as I leaned my head back so I couldn't see her.

“You know I don't believe you.” she said, trying to convince me to tell her.

“You know Beatrix, this isn't one of your gossip sessions where I tell you everything. I don't want this getting around and I don't want to tell you. Alright?” I said getting frustrated with her as she looked taken aback.

“Okay. come to me if you ever decide you do want to tell me.” she said sullenly as she moved towards the door with quiet feet.

“I'm coming with you, I have class to get to.” I said in an audible mumble as I picked up my sword belt off the floor and caught up with her.

I know it wasnt Beatrix's intention to make me feel frustrated and angry but it filled me with enough fury that I needed to let it out somehow. Thankfully I had the perfect opportunity to beat it out of some princes in my next class.

On my way down the stairs and through the schoolyard I saw Agatha giving me a grim look while Sophie gave me a dirty look. I didn't know what that was supposed to mean but it was rude, I just stuck my tongue out at her and walked away. I was in no state to be kind to anyone and everyone could tell.

“What's got you all up tight?” Chaddick asked as he nudged me in the shoulder.

“Leave me alone.” I said as I shoved him back a little too hard causing him to fall to the ground.

I heard Tristan laugh but I didn't join him. I glared at all the boys and drew my sword. I just wanted to get this class over with.

“Wait, where's gregor?” Nicholas asked.

My head shot in his direction so fast I probably looked like I was going insane. My eyes went wide as he approached me and looked down at me as I glared back at him.

“He's gone.” I said simply.

“What do you mean he's gone?” he continued to interrogate.

“He failed.” I said, trying not to lose my cool.

“You aren't in forest group three, how do you know that?” Tedros asked as he pulled me back.

“Agatha told me she followed Gregor when he ran away from your group. She said he just disappeared in a vortex of gray smoke.” I said avoiding any detail of the fact that I was present too. 

A Trial of True Friendship - Tedros Pendragon X readerWhere stories live. Discover now