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Professor anemone introduced herself to everyone but i had my eyes set on the peculiar girl i was acquainted with. Agatha sat slouched in her chair with her pen grasped between all five of her fingers all balled up into a fist.

All the princesses around us began opening their vanities to reveal makeup and other things. It seemed Agatha and I were both a little misplaced. I had never gotten used to this class and I never would. I still felt like a fish out of water next to all these princesses practicing their beauty because I had never cared particularly about it.

As professor anemone droned on in her annoyingly angelic voice I tapped agatha on the shoulder to get her attention.

“How's it going?” I asked her in a whisper voice.

“Horrible.” she answered stoically.

“I know how to lift your spirits.” I whispered mysteriously as I pulled a hair tie off my wrist.

I smiled mischievously as I put the rubber band between my fingers and picked up a little beauty sponge. I pointed it at Beatrix from the other side of the room and turned my head pretending to be looking at something else as I flicked the sponge at her.

I quickly hid the rubber band as I looked back in surprise at Beatrix's yelp. Agatha was trying to control a snort that was threatening to escape from her nose as i fained surprise.

“y/n do not flick beauty sponges at other students.'' Professor anemone stopped to reprimand me.

“But I didn't do anything, I was talking to reena.” I denied.

“y/n, reena is on the other side of the room. You would have been facing the other direction if you were trying to talk to her.” professor anemone revealed as many of the girls giggled at my expense.

“Oh yea.” I replied stupidly.

“Sometimes she's as dimwitted as some of the princes since she spends so much time with them.” kiko whispered to agatha like i wasn't there.

“I can confirm.” I said with certainty as I leaned over my vanity to get closer to their conversation.

“Ladies settle down settle down.” professor anemone interrupted in her lofty voice.

After a little more droning on about smiling and beauty and women empowerment i noticed agatha sit up straighter and fix her posture. Some of the other princesses had done their smile thing already including me who just wanted to get it over with. It wasn't my best smile but I was focused on other things at the moment. I was snapped out of my thoughts when Agatha finally spoke, interrupting professor anemone.

“I'm sorry. This just feels so wrong. Smiling? That's how you're empowering us?” agatha said loudly as she slammed her vanity closed.

I was really beginning to like agatha the more time i spent with her. Out of boredom and spite for the annoying teacher I also slammed my vanity and rested my elbows on the table giving professor anemone a dazzlingly annoyed smile.

“Smiling is a strict requirement for passing this course.” she replied slightly alarmed by agatha and my defiance. “So show me your smile if you don't want to fail.” professor anemone said as she approached agatha.

“My… smile?” Agatha questioned innocently as I perked up waiting to see what would happen.

Professor anemone nodded as agatha began lifting up her mirror cautiously. I smiled at her even though she wasn't facing me as she raised the mirror slightly.

“I don't feel safe.” Beatrix said as the room of princesses giggled.

“Beatrix seriously.” I said as I scoffed and gave her my best death glare which I knew could scare off even a room of nevers as I had used it on them before.

A Trial of True Friendship - Tedros Pendragon X readerWhere stories live. Discover now