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Tedros caught up to me and began leading me to where he saw the crystal. My anger towards him was slowly leaving as he would continue to look back making sure I was still safe. I thought it was cute how he continued to check on me even though every time he looked back I would give him a dirty look. Eventually he looked back and stopped entirely as he held out his hand. I tried to give him a dirty look but I ended up failing as he snatched my arm and I started laughing.

“Hey! You're not mad at me are you?” tedros said as he pulled me towards him and wrapped his hand around my waist.

“Yes I am.” I said with a confused tone as I tried to hide my smile.

“You're smiling.” he said in a sing-song voice as he pulled me along.

“No I'm not.” I replied in the same sing-song voice.

“Yes you are.” he said as he pulled me closer to him.

I leaned my head back to avoid looking at him and he tried to move my face back to face him. I started laughing as he finally got me to face him.

“We have to go get the crystal tedros.” I said trying to stop him from pulling me any closer.

“Are you alright?” he asked as he let me go.

“I just want to get out of here.” I said. It wasn't a lie but I also wanted to put our argument behind us and it was a little difficult to do that when we were still in the same place.

“I'm sorry.” he said quietly as he started leading us again.

“I know.” i replied quietly though i don't think he heard me.

After a few minutes of awkward silence as we walked we arrived at the room with the crystal. It was fiery red and illuminated the center of the maze like a bonfire. We stepped forward and touched the crystal. To our surprise it was icy cold and our fingers slightly stuck to it from all the moisture. I walked around it in circles trying to figure out a way that we could take this thing with us. I thought maybe we could use an arrow to break off a chunk of the crystal and apparently Tedros thought the same as he had drawn his bow already.

As he shot the arrow it pierced the crystal into thousands of shards of icy glass. We both covered our heads as the blast of shards blew us against a wall. When we uncovered our heads we saw the crystal had lost all its color and was melting like it was actually ice. As the cold liquid seeped into the ground, Tedros and I gave each other confused looks as we saw there was no longer a crystal there.

“Where did it go?” he asked as he shuffled over to me.

“I dont know.” I answered hopelessly.

“I know.” a mysterious voice said over us which made both of us get to our feet and draw our weapons defensively.

“You heard that right?” Tedros asked as he grabbed my shoulder.

“Yea but why are you grabbing my shoulder?” I asked as I tried to shrug him off.

“The chains might come back or I might have accidentally invited Rafal.” tedros said as he continued to grasp my shoulder. I decided to let him for the time being.

“It's not rafal, his voice sounds different.” I said as I knocked an arrow in my bow and raised it in the air.

“You have proven strong through this journey through the maze. You have used your strength and abilities wisely and though you may have fought you did so with a healthy cause. I am fae, I have held you back through your journey to the heart of the volcano and you have proven stronger than I will ever be.” the voice said as the room around us began glistening.

A Trial of True Friendship - Tedros Pendragon X readerWhere stories live. Discover now