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I must have strained my body too much yesterday because I was sore all over this morning. Especially my ribs which were clearly still very injured. Professor dovey came up to my room and brought me a brace that would hopefully help me not overstrain my body today. I got dressed in leggings and i white shirt then put the brace around my ribcage. When I looked in the mirror I saw how unwell I looked compared to the day before. I put on my makeup and messed around with my hair a bit.

“y/n can i come in?” Tedros asked after I heard a few knocks on the door.

“Yea.” I said with a sigh as the door opened.

“How are you feeling?” he asked as he came up behind my chair and rested his hands on my shoulders lightly massaging them.

“I can't move.” I whined as I let my head fall backwards.

“I'm sorry.” Tedros said sympathetically as he continued to massage my shoulders and neck.

“That feels good.” I said as I lifted my head back up.

“I'm sure it does.” he said as he moved his hands to my temples and continued to massage my head.

“Has Tristan arrived yet?” I asked as I decided to stand up.

“Maybe we should check.” Tedros suggested as he offered his arm to me.

I nodded and instead of taking his arm I grabbed it and brought it to my lower back so he could keep me steady. I saw a light blush taint his cheeks as he tightened his grip and we began moving down the stairs.

Once we arrived at the bottom of the stairs, Tedros removed his hand from around my waist and took my hand instead. He pulled me along to the gardens where all the evers were arriving. As we were walking to a field of blue flowers yuba called us trying to get our attention. Apparently he was trying to get us to move because someone was falling behind us. It was too late as both tedros and I whipped around to find Tristan laying in the field of flowers.

“Perfect timing.” Tedros said as he held out his arm to tristan. He grabbed tedros’ forearm and Tedros helped him up.

“Guys we should get out of here before yuba shouts at us again.” I said as Tedros and Tristan were hugging.

Tristan pulled away from tedros and they both agreed as we all began walking away from the gardens. Tedros rested his hand on my shoulder to make sure I was okay. We arrived at a little gazebo that not many people knew about.

“Have you seen kiko?” Tristan asked as we all sat under the shade of the gazebo.

“She's here but we haven't seen her.” Tedros answered.

“Are you okay y/n? you look like you got hurt." Tristan questioned.

“I can't really explain it, but i have six broken ribs.'' I answered. I could have explained it but I didn't want to risk it.

“What do you mean you can't explain it?” Tristan questioned a little bit louder than usual.

“Calm down man, the important thing is that she's getting better.” Tedros defended, knowing I wasn't able to tell either of them why I was injured.

“Right, well is she going to be able to do the welcome ceremony?” he asked, maybe forgetting that i was present.

“I should be able to by then.” I answered as I stood up.

“Where are you going?” Tedros asked gently as he caught my hand.

“I should probably eat something or I'll get worse.” I replied.

A Trial of True Friendship - Tedros Pendragon X readerWhere stories live. Discover now