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The next morning I awoke and got ready for breakfast. I tamed my bed head and put on a bit of makeup before I put on my leggings and the decapitated dress top. It was a rather warm day when I went to check so I thought the light top would fit well with the weather.

I fastened my belt around my waist and sheathed my sword. I then put my archery cuffs on since I would be taking that course later today. I decided to add a necklace to the outfit to tie it all together somewhat. Once I sprayed a random perfume on me for added effect I ran down the stairs making a purposeful clatter down the stairs waking everyone that was still asleep.

Once i stepped into the dining room i received the dirtiest look of the century from the princesses. Beatrix gave me the dirtiest look of them all. I rested my hand on the hilt of my sword and made my way to the food table.

“Who do you think you are?” Beatrix asked me menacingly as she approached me.

“Nope.'' I said mainly to myself as I picked up an apple, took a bite out of it and walked out of the room. I heard her scoff behind me and I nearly choked on my apple as I laughed.

“Be careful, we don't need another snow white incident.” Tedros said as he caught up to me.

“I assure you if that is to happen I will not be particularly upset about it.” I said as I took another bite of the apple.

“Please don't wish that upon yourself.” he said as we brushed shoulders.

“Where are we going first?” I asked him as we approached the flowerbed that I arrived on.

“We have sword fighting and archery then you're headed to beautification class,” he answered.

“Beautification my butt.” I said as I pulled out my sword and started swinging it around like I was fighting someone.

Tedros pulled out his sword and began play fighting until we arrived at the field where many other boys were dueling.

“Alright that's enough messing around, Let's get down to business.” the instructor said as we stopped.

“To defeat, the huns.'' I whispered, making a reference to the great warrior woman mulan. My eccentric uncle had traveled and met the woman himself then returned home to tell me the tales as we swordfought. Tedros snorted at my comment and we caught the attention of the instructor once again.

“Well if you two are so inclined to have a chat during my lesson you will be the guinea pigs for my demonstration.” the instructor said like he had caught us doing something horrible.

“Ladies first.” tedros said as he nudged me forward.

I gasped at his words as I proceeded to a fighting stance before the instructor, drawing my blade. When the instructor waved to start the fight I lunged at him having no idea what he was trying to make me an example of. He swung his blade across the grass and I jumped over it effortlessly as I kicked his shoulder back. He stumbled back and I took this opportunity to smack my elbow in his face as I tangled my sword around his blade prying it out of his grip.

I picked up the blade and held it out facing forwards as the instructor approached me. I waved the blade in his face causing him to stumble as I kicked him off his feet. I pressed my blade against his neck and his blade against his chest as he lay on the ground in defeat.

“I don't have a clue what you were saying but it thinks it's you who needs to be taking lessons. Tedros you're up.” I said as I backed away, leaving his blade on the ground beside him.
Moments of silence passed before the instructor erupted in applause and a gold star appeared above me. I guess I passed the class for the day.

A Trial of True Friendship - Tedros Pendragon X readerWhere stories live. Discover now