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I had been allowed out of my room to an office upon the arrival of merlin a few days later. I was terrified to say the least. It was the first time i was ever meeting him despite the wizard frequenting my home in my childhood. Professor dovey told me to do as he said so i when he told me to enter i didnt hesitate.

“y/n i must make it of the upmost clarity that if you are to take anyone on this quest there memory of you will be entirely wiped from there minds.” he said getting straight to the point.

“Professor dovey said my mind was weakening and i cant count on it deciding to take its time. I dont care if it means that i have to start all over again because i need his help.” i said to him quickly as i took a seat at a small table before him.

“And this, ‘him,’ is tedros pendragon?” merlin asked being quite familiar with the boy.

“Yes.” i replied.

“Are you sure your not being selfish?” he asked making me pause to think before i answered confidently.

“Im sure tedros would be more than willing to accompany me on the quest you speak of, and its not selfish because im also sure he will do anything if it means saving me. As i would do the same if the roles were being reversed.” i said.

“Your a wise girl. Tedros pendragon has spoken almost identical words to yours.” merlin said as he waved at the door causing it to open revealing tedros standing there.

I stood quickly and began running at him realizing it was our first proper hug in a long time. I crashed into him and he wrapped his arms around me lifting me off my feet as he spun me in a circle. I dont know why i felt the need to prove my love for him to merlin but i quickly crashed my lips onto tedros’ as he put me back on the ground.

“Come sit both of you there is much instruction to give before you depart this evening.” he said as we both rushed over. When we heard him say when we were leaving was when both our faces dropped.

“But we arent prepared.” tedros said as he leaned forward in his seat.

“My children you are every bit of prepared for this as you ever will be. The storian is waiting for you and we shall not make it wait for a grand tale to unfold before us.” merlin said as he waved his hand in the air so everything was obscured from view by a cloud of gray mist.

“What is this?” i asked in a panicked voice. I really didn't like suspicious clouds of mist and everyone picked up on that quickly as tedros rested his hand on my thigh and merlin changed the scenery to a starry night sky.

“y/n your mind has a sickness that is almost impossible to cure. The only way is if you do it yourself. The ingredients are very difficult to find and you must collect them yourself for it to work. As your mind weakens you will become submissive to any temptation that crosses your path and there will be many. By having tedros at your side you will have a foundation to lean on but he will not remember anything of the quest once you are cured. There is a list of ingredients that i will give to tedros for safe keeping as you travel. do you happen to have your cat around anywhere?” he asked finally finishing his speech.

Tedros ran out of the room and retuned a few minutes later with kevin in his arms. He sat back down and handed merlin our cat which he gladly took and examined.

“This will do. Bring kevin with you when it comes time for your departure. You will wear your armor and bring your weapons, everything else will be provided for you as long as you also bring your little forest friend.” he continued.

“Do you have any warnings?” tedros asked as he took my hand and brought both of us to our feet.

“Don't let her go.” he said.

That could mean literally anything knowing i was going to become so submissive that i might even jump off a cliff if someone told me too.

“Do you know if Rafal is under any control over me still?” i asked cautiously as merlin joined us in a standing position.

“It is to early to tell.” he said with a grim look on his face.

“Whats that supposed to mean?” tedros asked urgently as the wizard erupted into a cloud of mist.

Was tedros really the angel on my shoulder or was it merlin and rafal that sat on my shoulders trying to play with my mind as it weakened. That had to be the case. While rafal was weakening me merlin was doing everything in his power to save me.

Tedros and i left the room and decided we would go say our goodbyes before the departure time just to save professor dovey some grief after we left. We went around together saying goodbye all afternoon and the time to leave was fast approaching as we made our way to beatrix tristan and kiko.

“There is no time to explain but we will be gone for a while and wanted to say goodbye.” i said quickly as they looked at us with shocked expressions.

“Where are you going?” tristan asked.

“Why are you leaving?” kiko added.

“Is it about you know what?” beatrix asked as she gestured to her head indicating that we may be leaving to get me healed.

“We told you there was no time but we will see you again and it does no good to worry.” tedros said as he hugged tristan.

I pulled the princesses into tight embraces as they squeezed the air out of me before pulling back slightly to say something.

“Your strong y/n i know for a fact that you were born to do great things and this is that chance.” beatrix said in a soft reasuring voice as she placed her hand on my cheek looking into my sad eyes.

“We will miss you so much!” kiko said loudly as she pulled everyone into a big hug.

I had begun to tear up having to leave some of the only people who have ever stood by my side proudly but if i didnt do this right now i would die. I let a few happy tears roll down my face as i smiled at them then turned to make my way to the courtyard where we would be leaving. I had changed into my armor prior to saying goodbye to beatrix kiko and tristan knowing it would be harder if i waited around in the school.

The sun was setting as we aproached merlin who stood there with a sad frail smile on his face. He held out his hand and we placed kevin in his hand.

As soon as we did that we were pulled backwards by an invisible force as kevin began glowing brightly. It started out with a large outline growing ten times kevins size but it soon got wierder as kevin began growing as well. His fur turned to fiery red scales as his wiskers turned to large spikes poking out of his head. Tedros and i both gasped as large wings sprung out nearly nocking us over with the powerful gust of wind they created. Any tears on my face were replaced with amazement as the transformation finished.

Kevin, our cat, had been transformed into a beautiful dragon.

“Kevin, is a girl by the way.” merlin said matter-of-factly as he walked over to us with a ready look on his face.

We excitedly ran to our cat, well, dragon now and both of us climbed onto her back. There was a large saddle fit for two on her back with large bags attached to it which we assumed were full of supplies for our journey.

Tedros sat behind me as i sat in front. We strapped ourselves onto the saddle so we wouldnt fly off and kevin soon began flying upwards.

“Does kevin know were we have to go already?” tedros thought aloud.

Kevin replied by nodding her head as she began moving forward at an incredible speed. Just as we lost sight of the school for good and evil i let out a joyous shout as i lifted my arms into the air.

“y/n?” tedros shouted over the wind trying to catch my attention.

“Yea?” i answered.

“Your hair is getting in my face.” he said loudly.

“My bad.” i said as i quickly tied it back with a hair tie so it wouldn't blow into his face.

We flew into the sunset ready to embark on a very dangerous journey but we couldn't help feeling excited and happy that we were doing this together. We are a team and are going to get through this together.

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