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I will admit I didn't really want to take my armor off because I looked and felt really cool. I decided to open all my balcony windows so the breeze could flow through and cool me off.

I took the rose Tedros gave me and put it into a small vase with water and set it on my bedside table. I took my shoes off to let my feet breathe a bit while I was spending some time in my room.

“y/n are you up there?” Tedros asked as I went onto my balcony.

“How'd it go with beatrix?” I asked as I began instraping my wrist guards. Tedros looked down at his feet before he answered me quietly.

“She's not my girlfriend anymore.” he said quietly. There was a suspicious lack of sorrow in his voice which caused me to snicker.

“Why are you laughing?” he asked as he looked up.

“Because you're not sad.” I answered before I continued to speak. “And I just want to address the fact that I had no idea you were dating that pompous brat. Wait, who broke it off?” I asked quickly.

“I did.” he answered softly as he smiled up at my supportive reaction.

Moments later we heard a loud wail coming from behind us. “I thought he loved me!” a screaming beatrix shrieked before we heard a faint slam of a door.

I couldn't control my laughter as I continued to hear faint wails from another window. I realized Tedros wasn't laughing so I stopped laughing and looked back at him with concern.
“Are you feeling alright?” I asked as I leaned over the railing of the balcony.

“Yea.” he replied quickly before he turned to go to his room.

“I'm sorry Tedros, come back.” I called out to him but he didnt turn around.

I really didn't know how to handle situations like this and now i made tedros upset with me. I ripped the cuff of my wrist and threw it back at a wall and returned to my room. I continued to tear the armor of my body letting it clatter loudly to the ground. I was upset with myself. I don't know why I reacted that way or even thought I could be nice but it was eating me up on the inside.

I just sat on the floor doing nothing for the rest of the day. I was deep in thought yet wasn't getting anywhere. It wasn't a good coping mechanism but my only friend was upset with me right now so i couldn't just go to him for comfort. I thought about crying but that never got me anywhere in my youth so I figured it wouldn't get me anywhere here either.

I was in only the black bodysuit sitting on the floor with my eyes closed embracing the sounds of the outside when I was interrupted by a loud knock on the door. I quickly grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around me since I was currently in a skin tight bodysuit. When I opened the door I internally groaned as Beatrix pushed her way through before I could shut the door on her.

“What do you want?” I asked sarcastically as I turned around and watched her examine my room.

“Where's Tedros? I know he's in here.” she said as she began checking under my bed and in all my closets.

“What are you talking about?” I asked as I remained by the door.

“Tedros wasn't at dinner and neither were you. The two of you are friends so I could only assume the worst. And then when I come here you're wrapped head to toe in a blanket to hide yourself. So stop lying and tell me where your hiding tedros.” she shouted at me loudly as she began throwing my things around.

“Tedros isn't here and i'm fully clothed.'' I shouted back as my temper began to rise.

“Show me then.” she commanded. I immediately threw the blanket off and she shrieked before she realized I hadn't lied.

“Look, Tedros isn't here. I think I made him upset earlier and we haven't been talking this entire afternoon and evening." I said as I opened the door for her to leave.

“I'm going to choose to believe you.” she said, sticking her finger in my face and walking out leaving my room in complete disarray.

Once I closed the door and took a long look at the damage Beatrix did to my dorm room. I decided to change into my pajamas. I only realized I was begging to tear up when my hand brushed over my face and I felt a hot tear roll down my cheek. I composed myself quickly and finished changing into my pajamas as I heard a knock on my door.

“I wish to be alone.” I said at the door before I walked away again. The nock came again and I decided to peek out to see who it was.

“Dorm check.” a random lady said as she burst through the door.

“Wait wait wait! I didn't do this, just hold on." I said as I scrambled to clean up the piles of dresses and fix the arrangement of furniture.

“Oh dear, I've seen enough. Fail!” she said before she used magic to fix everything and then left.

Once the door closed I lost it. I picked up my sword and flung it at the armchairs knocking them over like bowling pins as I screamed. It wasn't a high pitched princess scream it was deep and full of hatred and exhaustion. I walked out onto the balcony and curled up in a ball against the railing and let my tears roll down my face silently.

“y/n?” Tedros asked quietly from a distance.

“What?” I replied, trying to mask the sound of my sniffling nose by putting my hands over my face.

“Are you okay?” he asked me, continuing with his quiet voice.

“No.” I replied dryly as I whipped away my tears and stood up to go back into my room.

“Alright i'm coming over just give me a moment.” he said as he also went to his room.

“No.” I said again as I stopped in my tracks.

“y/n you're upset and i want to help you not because that's what a prince is supposed to do but because you're my best friend.” he said trying to convince me to let him come even though that wasn't the reason i wasn't letting him over.

“Beatrix is on the hunt.” I said to him before I moved back into my room again.

“I dont care.” he said and left it at that. I heard his door slam shut.

I closed my own balcony door and slid to the floor against it as fresh tears pooled in my eyes threatening to spill over.

I managed to keep it together for the minutes I waited for tedros to arrive. As much as I needed him right now I just wanted to push him away. As my door creaked open revealing tedros my tears finally spilled over and ran down my cheeks. I buried my face in my knees as tedros ran over to me and slid to me on his knees pulling me into a hug.

I jumped away and moved over to sit facing a corner. I shivered as i felt tedros’ hand gently on my shoulder. His touch melted away all my troubles though I didn't know why. I wiped away all my tears and composed myself as i looked at tedros and stood up.
“I'm fine now.” I said.

“You really get over things that quickly?” he asked as he looked at me in surprise.

“When you get ignored your whole life there's no point in holding a grudge.” I said as I fixed the chairs and replaced my sword with the rest of my armor.

“I admire your quickness to forgive.” he said as he examined the rose in the vase on my nightstand.

“Thank you for being here for me even if i didn't want you to be, and i apologize if I offended you by laughing at beatrix.” I said to him as I waved him over to take a seat.

“It's fine,” he replied as he took the seat closest to me.

“Why did you miss dinner?” I asked him after a few seconds.

“I was just sitting in my room thinking about why I broke up with beatrix.” he replied simply.

“Are you regretting your decision?” I continued to inquire.

“No, I just wanted to process my feelings for another girl. That's why I broke up with her.” he said.

“The mind has a will.” I said as I leaned back into the chair.

“Indeed it does.” Tedros mumbled as he gave me a tilted smile.

After a few minutes tedros left my room and I went to bed for the night.

A Trial of True Friendship - Tedros Pendragon X readerWhere stories live. Discover now