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I dried my hair off and fixed my makeup after I changed into a light sundress. I decided to spend the rest of my break on my balcony. I found a sketchbook and pencil and took them out with me as I went to the balcony. I looked around for inspiration and my eyes landed on tedros’ empty balcony. I began sketching it and after a few minutes tedros walked out as I had just started working on detailing.

“What are you drawing?” he asked as I looked up at him from outlining his figure on my paper.

“I was drawing the view but you got in the way.” I replied as I turned the book over to show him.

“Are you sure? If I got in the way of the view then why am I in the drawing?” he said as I turned the book back around.

“The drawing was bland without you standing in it.” I said as I went back to detailing the setting.

“I agree.” he said as he laughed.

“So what do you do in your free time?” I asked him, trying to keep him interested in a conversation as I drew him.

“Not much. I usually just sit up here thinking, but now I have you to talk to.” he answered. “How about you?”

“Well I draw, and tear up clothes with my sword.” I answered as I cracked a smile.

“You did a good job tearing up the dress by the way, but I prefer you in the armor. You looked like you were at home in it.” he complimented.

“I will have to agree with you. You know it was surprisingly light despite how large it was.” I said as I set the sketchbook aside to look at him fully.

“A strong will is a strong woman.” he replied as he made eye contact with me.

We were interrupted a second later by a loud pounding on Tedros’ door. He ran off the balcony back into his room to answer the door while I picked up my sketch again. He returned a minute later with a long haired boy who waved at me.

“y/n this my roommate tristan.” tedros said to my disbelief.

“You had a roommate this whole time! How much has he heard? How much does he know?” I immediately started jumping to conclusions.

“Everything.” he replied as he chuckled.

I groaned as I turned around walking away. I put the sketchbook away and attached my sword belt to my hip then returned to the balcony.

“I need to blow off some steam. Lets go to the courtyard and have a real fight.'' I said as I waved my sword at both of them.

“Are you really going to fight in a dress?” Tristan asked sarcastically.

“No you idiot I'm putting the armor on.” I answered as I walked into my room again, closing the balcony door behind me. I took a good fifteen minutes to get the entire outfit on. I began running down the stairs making a ruckus as doors began to open in my wake.

Once I arrived in the courtyard I saw Tedros was also wearing some custom armor. I drew my sword and he copied my movements. We turned around and went twenty paces back each then Tristan called the fight.

As I charged at tedros he stabbed excalibur into the soft ground and I flew backwards before I managed to stab my own blade in the ground slowing to a stop as I sliced through the earth.

We were both wearing helmets but I thought it would be fun if I jumped over him and took his helmet off of him.

I stick my sword in the ground and jumped on the hilt and over tedros grabbing the plume of his helmet as i spun sideways in the air,
Landing on my feet behind him. He soon discarded his sword as I threw my helmet off so we were evenly matched. Our sword fight turned into a fist fight as I leapt into the air landing on his shoulders in a sitting position.

A Trial of True Friendship - Tedros Pendragon X readerWhere stories live. Discover now