What a Day

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We got into this huge black car with super tinted windows. Taylor and I sat in the back. I thought she was going to drive, but this really nice man was driving for us.

And then it all occurred to me. I was sitting in the back of car with Taylor Swift. I suddenly became self conscious, and fixed my posture. Taylor only chuckled, then made an interestingly mischievous expression.

"Wanna know a secret?" She whispered. I leaned forward two whisper back, thinking she was completely serious.

"What is it?" I whispered back.

She reached for the seat in between us, and pulled out a drawer type mechanism that had all kinds of snacks and candy and sodas.

"Take whatever you want."



I grabbed a fist full worth of various chocolates, and finished them all in the ten minute car ride.

We stopped at a gate with a booth next to it. Taylor opened the window and spoke to the man in the booth. After a few seconds the gate opened and we headed towards what had to be the biggest mansion I had ever seen in my life.

"Holy moly..." I muttered, the car pulling up into the driveway. I was so busy staring out the window, that I jumped when the door opened.

"Hey, it's ok. It's just me." Taylor said from outside.

I smiled and stepped out of the car, candy wrappers stuffed in my pockets.

"Is there like, an apartment here?"

"Nope. It's all mine. And yours now." Taylor says.

I had to be dreaming.

"You're kidding." I said.

"Want a tour?"
Taylor has like, everything in that house. An indoor pool, a game room, library, theater, everything.

I was showed my room, and it was huge. Bigger than the last house I'd lived in. It was a loft style room, and Taylor said I get to decorate it however I like.

Then, we went downstairs to the most glorious basement I had ever seen. Taylor stopped at a door.

"Now this, this is my favorite room."

She opened the door. My eyes were met with soundboards and led lights and various instruments.

I ogled at the room for a bit, and Taylor showed me around.

"Right there's my first guitar." She said, pointing to an old classic acoustic guitar hanging up on the wall.

We sat in the rolling chairs, across from each other.

"Do you like music?"

"I love music. I've heard some of yours believe it or not." I said.

Taylor smiled, and asked what else I like. So I told her. I talked about my interests in dance and theatre and art.

I did all those things before my mom died. I did shows at the community theater and took dance classes nearly every day, but my dad pulled me out of everything after the overdose.

Taylor also has three other children. Not human children, but her cats, Meredith, Olivia, and Benjamin. Olivia spent the entire day snuggling up to me.

Taylor asked if I liked pizza, and I said yes, even though I hadn't had pizza in years. We ate while watching a shitty rom-com, which was good in its own way.

"Okay, so I was thinking, we could go shopping tomorrow, for anything you want for your room or in general, we could get you some clothes. Do you have a phone? If not you're definitely going to need one. Oh! and-" Taylor paused when she noticed the look on my face. A mix of confusion and bewilderment.

"I'm sorry am I talking too much? We don't have to do anything you don't want to."

I laughed. "No, I would love to go shopping."

I realized how little things I had when I unpacked. I had a few tops and two pairs of jeans. Most of my stuff I left at home, and never got a chance to retrieve it.

I heard light footsteps, then a knock. "Come in!"

Taylor opened the door, not entering, but leaning against the frame.

"Sorry I just wanted to say that I'm right across the hall, so by all means, wake me up if you need me ok?"

"Got it." I said, getting distracted by Olivia waddling up to me once again.

"She really likes you." Taylor chuckled.

"Yeah." I replied, letting Olivia hop up into my arms.

After a few more exchanges of words, we said goodnight to each other. I fell asleep quickly, even with the cat laying on my chest.

What a day.

You're On Your Own, Kid | A Taylor Swift Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now