Chapter 37

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~ Allison ~

"There, now that's the last of it!" I say with a smile, leaning into Austin's side. "Can we go get something to eat now? I'm hungry!" I add as Austin laughs. "Come on, let's go." He replies. He brings me in close to him and wraps his arms around me. "What do you want to eat?" He asks. "Take out?" I reply more as a question than an answer. "Wok Box it is." He says knowing that's one of my favourite takeout places.

"Als, I'm back!" Austin shouts as Easton putters to the front door to sniff out the food Austin's carrying in the bag. "Oh my god, it smells so good!" I exclaim. "Well hello to you too!" He replies sarcastically before placing a kiss on my forehead. "Thanks for dinner." I smile. "You're welcome, my love." He says as we walk down the hall to the kitchen. "Are you already in your pyjamas?" He asks placing the bag of takeout on the island. "Yes." I reply taking the food out of the bag. "Wanna watch the Leafs game?" He asks. "Is that even a question?" I reply as he knows the Leafs are my favourite NHL team.

** Later**

"I'm so full now but that definitely hit the spot!" I say placing my empty take-out container in the garbage. The Leafs game was over and they won 4-3 in OT. "Want to watch a movie now?" Austin asks as I nod. "Let me just get a glass of water." I reply. "Already done." He says holding a bottle of water in his hand. "No, I was gonna have a glass of water with ice." I say reaching for a cup in the cupboard when I feel myself being picked up. "Austin put me down!" I exclaim as he throws me over his shoulder and carries me out of the kitchen. "Austin!" I exclaim. "I'll put you down... When we get to the living room." He replies. After a couple of minutes, I give up fighting a battle I know I won't win. "There, better?" He asks putting me down on the couch. "Much better thank you!" I say as he smirks. "Hope you enjoyed the view." He smirks winking at me.

I grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and threw it over me before grabbing a pillow and placing it on Austin's lap. "Top Gun Maverick?" Austin asks searching through the movie guide. "Yes!" I exclaim as he hits play before getting comfy on the couch, Easton laying at the end of his feet and my head on his lap as he runs his fingers through my hair as the movie begins.

** Next Morning **

I woke up to Easton licking my face this morning and when I opened my eyes, I'm still laying on the couch with Austin's arm wrapped around me. "Aww, good morning to you too Easton." I say petting the fluffy retriever behind the ears. "Do you need to go outside buddy?" I ask, still petting him behind the ears as his tail wags like crazy. I stop petting Easton and turn to look up at Austin whose still sleeping.

I sit up and as I do, he begins to stir in his sleep before his eyes slowly open. "Good morning Prince Charming." I smile as he looks up at me, moving a strand of loose hair out of my face before locking lips with mine, not saying a word. "Good morning princess." He whispers in a raspy voice after we part from our kiss.

"What are we going to get up to today?" He asks. "Well, first we're going to let Easton out to do his business and then a pit stop at Tim's for breakfast before going to the rink cause my little Timbit team has a game that I have to coach. After that, we come home and rest up before my 7:15 game tonight." I reply. "Wow, busy day ahead of us!" He says.

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