Chapter 32

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~ Austin ~

After an afternoon of exploring downtown Montreal with Alex and Colton, we get back to the hotel to change for our team dinner. I grabbed a quarter zip sweater and a pair of jeans and change into that before grabbing my white sneakers and slipping into them. I text Ally and tell her that I'll call her after dinner with the boys. Once I've done that, I grab my wallet and room key just as Alex bangs on the door.

"I'm coming!" I exclaim double checking that I didn't forget anything while Alex continues to bang on the door. I walk to the door and open it. "Do you not know what-" I say opening the door and stop talking when I see my girl standing there with a big beautiful smile on her face. "Ally, what are you doing here? You weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow." I ask confused. "Surprise!" She exclaims with a big and bright smile as she jumps into my arms and wraps herself around me. I bury my face into the crook of her neck and hold her tight for a few seconds longer as Leah records the surprise moment. I put Ally down as Leah hits stop on her phone just as Alex opens up his door.

"What's all the noise out here?" He asks popping out of his room. We all look at him as he looks up. "Oh, hey Leah, hi Ally. I didn't think you were coming down until tomorrow." He says. "I figured I'd surprise Austin a day early." Ally replies. "And that you did my love." I smile. "Ready for the team dinner?" Alex asks. "Yeah, I thought you were already ready and banging on my door to get me to hurry up." I reply. "No, I was just grabbing my stuff off the dresser when I heard all the commotion going on out here." Alex replies as I look over to the girls noticing that Leah was blushing. "I'll see you after the team dinner. Okay, love?" I say to Ally placing a kiss on her forehead. "Okay, have fun. I love you." She replies. "Love you too."

** After Team Dinner **

"So I think someone's got a big crush on you." I say as Alex and I take the elevator back up to our floor. "Oh yeah? And who would that be?" He asks. "Oh come on man! You and I both know who it is!" I say. "And I'm positive you're crushing on her too." I add. "Is it that obvious?" He asks as I nod. "Very much so." I say as the elevator doors open and we step off.

"Think I should ask her out?" Alex asks as we walk down the hall toward our hotel rooms. "Ask who out?" A female voice asks from behind us as new both turn around. "Umm... No one!" Alex says nervously scratching the back of his head. "Alex." Ally says giving him a stern look. "Okay, okay, fine! It's Leah! I really like her okay, but you can't say a word to her about this... Promise." He says. "I knew it!" Ally and I say in unison. "And don't worry Alex, your secret's safe with me." Ally smiles placing a hand on his back. "Thank you." He replies as we arrive at our rooms.

"Speaking of Leah, where is she anyways?" I ask. "She's at the spa getting a massage." Ally replies. "Why didn't you go?" Alex asks. "Because Austin and I are going down to the pool for a swim." Ally replies. "Nice, I think I'm going to call my mom and see how my folks are doing." Alex replies. "Alright man, catch you later." I reply as Alex unlocks his door and disappears into his hotel room.

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