Chapter 31

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~ Allison ~

"Hey, girl hey!" Leah exclaims when I pull up to her driveway. "Ready for our Montreal road trip?" I ask putting the car in park and getting out to help her put her bags in the back of my car. "Girl, I've been ready since the day you told me you had an extra ticket to the game in Montreal!" She replies. "Same!" I say closing the trunk and walking around to the driver's side. "Let's get this show on the road!" I exclaim turning the key in the ignition and backing out of the driveway.

"Does Austin know we're coming two days before the game?" Leah asks as I turn onto the on-ramp to the highway. "No, he doesn't know. He thinks we're driving down tomorrow morning." I reply. "Ouu sneaky girl." Leah replies as Lizzo's song About Damn Time comes up on the playlist. We sing along with the music for a while before we're getting off an On Route to get some gas and to make a Timmies run. As we're walking back to my car, my phone begins to ring in my back pocket.

"Hello?" I reply answering Austin's call. "Hi, beautiful. Whatcha up to?" He asks on the other end of the line. "Just out with Leah grabbing some Times. What are you up to?" I ask. "Just hanging out in my hotel room, waiting for Alex and Colton to get back from their run so we can go do some exploring." He replies. A minute of silence goes by before I speak. "Can't wait to see you play in a couple of days." I get back in the car and buckle up. "And I can't wait to see your beautiful face in a couple of days." He replies as I hear a loud knock on his end of the phone. "Hold on a sec babe. I think they're here." He says. I hear him open the door and seconds later, I hear Alex's booming voice. "I gotta go my love. Talk later?" He says as I hear Alex shout hi through the phone. "Okay, I'll talk to you later." I reply. "And hi Alex!" I add. "I love you." Austin says. "Love you too bubs." I reply before having up.

"Alex says hi to you." I say to Leah while starting the car back up. "Oh he did?" She replies as I see the heat rise to her cheeks. I smile and put my focus back on driving without saying another word. "What? Why are you looking at me like that for?" Leah asks. "No reason." I reply smirking. "Ally..." She says. "Alright... What is it that you're not telling me Lee? You got a thing for Alex?" I ask knowing that my words will make her squirm in her seat.

"Whaaat? What are you talking about?" Leah asks nervously. "Come on Lee! I know you like Alex and I'm sure that the feelings are mutual." I reply. "How do you know that?" she asks. "Because I'm your best friend and I just know it's true!" I reply. A minute of silence goes by before she caves in. "Alright, alright! Yes, I like Alex!" She says. "Happy now?" She asks. "There, was that so hard to say out loud?" I smile.

** Arrived in Montreal **

"I've always wanted to come to Montreal." Leah says as we get off the off-ramp and begin to navigate the downtown streets of Montreal. "It's busy like Toronto but it's nice." I reply following the GPS to the hotel. "Austin's going to be so surprised to see you girl!" Leah says. "I'm sure he'll be very happy to see me and I bet Alex's is going to be happy to see you." I reply teasing Leah.

A couple of minutes later, we arrive at the hotel and check in. I go park my car in the parking garage and we make our way into the hotel, hoping we don't run into the boys along the way.

Meet Me at the RinkNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ