Chapter 11

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~ Allison ~

"Good game Als! I've gotta go pick James up from work but I'll text you later!" Leah says hugging me and saying bye to everyone else before leaving. "I'm gonna head out too. I promised Lucy we would watch the movie she's been dying to see." My dad says. " Okay, see you at home." I reply as my dad heads out the door and I'm left standing in the arena lobby with Austin and my brother.

"I'm gonna run to the washroom real quick. I'll be back in a minute." Jack says as I nod and I'm left with Austin. "So you sure you're no McDavid or Matthews? Cause that was a nice goal you scored out there." He says with a grin. I let out a small laugh as a smile finds its way to my lips. "Thanks and I'm 100% sure of it that I'm neither one." I reply.

"So listen... I was thinking and uh, did you want to go grab a bite to eat with me?" Austin asks scratching behind the back of his neck nervously. "Um yeah... Yeah sure, I'd like that." I reply biting the inside of my cheek nervously with a small smile. "Okay, cool." Austin says as my brother reappears. "Alright, I'm ready to go." Jack says taking my car keys out of his pocket. "Actually, I'm gonna go grab a bite to eat with Austin." I say.

"Okay cool. Want me to take your gear home?" He asks. "Nah it's okay, don't want you to have to unpack my equipment after the long day you had." I reply as Jack looks at me. "Are you sure? Cause I can take it home for ya." He says as I shake my head. "I appreciate it Jack but it's alright. Just go home, relax and tell mom I'll be home later." I reply as we walk toward the exit. "And please be careful driving home!" I say as we stop outside. "Yes, you know I will. I'll leave your car keys on your dresser for you." He replies. "Okay, see you at home." I say. "Yep, see you later and it was nice to meet you Austin." Jack says nodding towards him. "You too man!" Austin replies.

** In the Truck **

"Is Mcdonald's alright with you?" Austin asks pulling into the parking lot, towards the drive-thru. "Yeah, that's fine." I reply. Austin pulls up to the speaker and gives his order to the person that's taking orders. "What would you like?" He asks turning to look at me. "I'm gonna have some chicken nuggets and fries with an ice tea please." I reply before he turns back to the speaker to give them my order.

After he grabbed our food, we drove away from the window and he pulled the truck into an empty spot in the mostly empty parking lot. "Thanks for the food but you really didn't have to pay for mine. I could have paid for it." I say filling in the silence that was there a couple of minutes ago. "Oh don't worry about it, you're welcome." He replies handing me my nuggets and fries. "Are you sure?" I ask. "Yeah, it's fine." He replies.

After we had finished eating, Austin started up the truck and we pulled out of the parking lot. "You ready to go home yet?" He asks with raised eyebrows. I stay silent for a moment before I reply. "Not quite yet, why?" I ask. "Good cause I've got something cool I want to show you." He replies with a smile. "Okay."

** Later **

"Okay, here we are!" He says as the truck comes to a complete stop. "Austin, where are we? Why are we in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night?" I ask looking around. He turns to me with a big smile on his face. "You'll see." Is all he says as he turns to open his door before getting out and closing it, walking around to open the door to help me out of the truck. He reaches out his hand for me to take. "Come on." Is the last thing he says as I put my hand in his while he gives me a warm and caring smile.

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