Chapter 27

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~ Allison ~

"Well, hello, hello, hello!" Leah greets the three of us as she takes a seat next to me. "What's new with my favourite people?" She asks. "Apparently not much." Alex replies as Austin and I look at each other. "Well actually, there is something new." Austin says as Leah and Alex go quiet. "And what's that?" Alex asks. "Yeah! Tell us!" Leah exclaims. I look at Austin for a moment before he gives me a nod. "Austin and I are dating." I say as I feel the heat rise to my face.

I look over at Leah whose jaw drops then I look over to Alex who looked a tad surprised. "Oh my god! That's great news!" Leah exclaims excitedly. "I knew it!" Alex says patting Austin on the back. "When?" Leah asks wanting more details. "He asked me a couple of days ago." I reply. "Wait... Was that why you stayed late after the game on Wednesday?" Alex asked turning to Austin. "Yep!" He replies with a smile.

** After Dinner **

We walked along the sidewalk in the cool night breeze. "You know what I feel like doing right now?" I ask. "Going for a skate?" Alex asks. "Yes but no, not tonight." I reply. "Whatcha feel like doing then beautiful?" Austin asks. "Going to the arcade." I reply leaning into him. "Oh my god, yes! Let's go!" Leah shouts excitedly. We stop to wait to cross the street. Austin looks down and smiles at me. "Alright, let's do it. To the Rec room we go." He says as the light turns and we cross the street.

Once we cross the street, we walk a bit more until we arrive at the Rec Room. "You guys better watch out. Ally's super competitive!" Leah warns the boys. "She'll kick your ass at skeeball and basketball!" She adds. "Oh yeah?" Austin asks. "Oh yeah!" I reply with a smirk. "You're on!" He grins with a wink.

** In the Arcade**

"Ready to get your ass kicked at shooting hoops?" I ask Austin with a big smirk on my face. "Are those fighting words I hear?" He replies. I stare him down as he says. "You're on!" We scan our wristbands and the balls drop down from behind the barrier as the game counts us down to start. I pick up the first ball and take a shot, it goes in and that's what gets me on a roll.

"Wooo!" I exclaim after the time runs out. "Told ya she'd kick your ass!" Leah exclaims giving me a high five. "Well, I'll be damned!" Alex says. "You lost by four to your girl my man!" He adds. I sneak my arm around Austin's waist as I lean against him and place my other hand on his chest. "It's a good thing you're hot but I think it's better that you stick to playing hockey." I say patting his chest and giving him a wink before I get a laugh out of him. "Gee, thanks babe." He says.

After playing skeeball and many other games, we decided to cash in for prizes before calling it a night. "Wow, I really sucked tonight. I only got 220 tickets." Leah says. "I got 550." Alex says. "How many do you have?" Alex asks. "I haven't checked mine yet." I reply. "How about you Austin?" Leah asks. "993 tickets." He says as the number of tickets he collected shows up on the screen. I scan my wristband and wait for the number to appear on the screen. "1001!" I say as the guys' jaws drop. "How?" Alex asks. "She's just that good." Leah says. "Well, should we go see what we can pick out for prizes?" Austin asks. "All I'm most likely gonna get is some candy." Leah says as we walk over to the prize counter.

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