Frustrated But Laughing.

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Draco's POV:

Last night was a blast. I may have not danced with Pansy a lot but Charlotte kept me in company.

I truly loved Charlotte. She was the first person who I actually fell in love with. But my mistake, I chose Pansy instead of her.

"Drayy!" I heard Pansy's voice, then I turned to look at her hugging my arm.

"Hey." I greeted.

"Could we go to Honeydukes today?" She asked.

"We keep on going there everyday! Why are you so interested in that shop anyway?"

"Two words! Butterbeer fudge!" She yelled which caused me to annoyingly roll my eyes.

"Alright fine. Let's just apperate there." She nodded then we apperated to Honeydukes.

"Ah our regular customer! Welcome back!" The lady in the cashier said.

"Mhm! Thank you for your warm welcoming!" Pansy smiled at the cashier then I smiled at her sarcastically.

"God this girl is so unoriginal." I muttered to myself until I saw Pansy raising a brow at me.

"What did you say?" She asked as I shook my head to no. Meaning nothing.

"Whatever you say.." she says before wandering around the shop.

After buying her whatever she liked, we headed to my dorm.

Pansy was just munching on her sweets and I was just reading a book.

"Draco, do you know I love you?" She suddenly said which made me raise a brow.

"Yeah.. I know." I said, not leaving my eyes off my book.

"Can you give me attention, Draco?" She asked.

"Not now. I'll give you some later. A few days ago, we were snogging so now, it's my time to be with myself thanks." She just huffed then crossed her arms. I wanted to laugh at how she's so bad at being so needy.

I then stood up, stroked her hair then left.

I headed to Charlotte's dorm and knocked on it.

"Who is it?" She asked.

"The boy with platinum blond hair, grey eyes, a slytherin, a pureblood, a daddy's boy and has very and I mean very kissable lips." I chuckled at my last sentence as she opens the door.

"You're bad at flirting." She insulted but I let it pass aside.

"What brings you here?" She asked when I closed the door.

"Just visiting you after hanging out with Pansy. She's so needy today! She even wanted to get attention from me but- I was like to myself: nuh-uh! I'm never giving that pug face some attention! We've already made out a few days ago and yet, it still wasn't enough for her?" I let out my feelings to Charlotte and before I even started talking, she immediately laughed.

What's special from this girl is that she may be respectful and all but, she could really get arrogant at times and she even has a great humor.

"What's so funny about my speech?" I asked, Charlotte still laughing.

"I-I'm sorry! It's just that- pfft.. Pansy being needy? That's so unlike her!" She exclaimed.

"Exactly!" I laughed along with her until we stopped to breath for air.

"Gosh this was hilarious!" 

"I know." I agreed.

For the past few minutes, we've been talking about how bad our life was and things about school that annoyed us and! I got to finally know her likes and dislikes.

Right now, we are just cuddling. No, I am not cheating on Pansy but, I heard Charlotte saying to me she hasn't gotten any sleep since last night after our dance because of some homework so I allowed her to cuddle with me.

She had her eyes beautifully closed. Although, I cannot express it through words, It's by actions.

So, I closed my eyes and rested along with her.

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