Mister Moodswings

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*1 month later*

my mother allowed me to skip etiquette class today so I had time to visit Draco.

"Mother! I'm on my way to the Malfoy manor! Is there anything else that you want?" I asked as my mother said no so I said my goodbyes then rode the carriage.

I finally arrived at the manor so I got off and took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

The doors swung open, only to see Draco with a confused but joyful expression plastered around his face.

"I didn't expect you'd come. Though I'm very glad I'm not alone anymore." He said.

"Where's your parents?" I asked.

"They're off for a 1 day trip so I have the manor all to myself." He says, smiling so brightly.

"Alright." I entered then he lead me to his bedroom which was, you know it already, gigantic and amazing.

"There's nothing really much here. Just my daily care for my skin, gotta look attractive you know! And my expensive stuff, then of course my king sized bed." 

"You're only a 10 year old, Draco. You don't have to care about your looks." I said as he suddenly got a bit furious.

"I have to. Those half-bloods and mudbloods should know their place. They're ugly." He insulted. I just sighed then sat down on a chair.

"So, since we really don't have anything to do, why don't we just talk?" I suggested.

"Great idea." He says as he pulls a chair then sits next to me.

"So um. What will you be doing when you're at Hogwarts?" I asked but he just clicks his tongue. 

"Well.. My mother said that we'll be going somewhere in a few weeks, then come back here before the letters are sent. But when I'm at Hogwarts, I'd probably just bully some people and listen to boring classes. Nothing much.." His tone was obviously solemn when he said that until his mood completely changed. 

"What about you? What will you be doing when you're at Hogwarts?" He suddenly asked, curiously.

"That was a quick mood change. Well. Once I'm at Hogwarts, I'd probably try to be polite to each and every person. As long as they're polite to me too." He just sneered at my comment and I raised a brow.

"What? Is it not good to be polite?" He just shook his head.

"A Slytherin doesn't act that way. Although you can be still placed in that house even if you have a different personality." 

"Okay, mr moodswings and mr know-it-all." I teased as he just rolled his eyes.

We talked so many hours, laughed at many jokes and even told many secrets. I felt like we're really growing close and I felt like a connection between us. 

I suddenly saw the time. It's was time for me to go home. I said my farewells to Draco then left to go home.

I went to my room, I put on a silky nightgown then laid in bed.

"I wonder if our friendship would last.. I mean.. I could already sense it!" I thought to myself before I fell asleep.

𝕸𝖔𝖗𝖔𝖘𝖊 (A Draco X Reader Fanfiction) DISCONTINUED ‼️Where stories live. Discover now