Diasomnia Dinner Time! ...We're all Doomed

Start from the beginning

It was a boy with black hair and eyes, plain and not all that memorable aside from his pointed ears. The boy came to as stop in front of the pair, panting slightly as he bowed at the waist and held out a black envelope with a green wax seal decorated with the initials 'M.D'.

"From the Great Lord Malleus Draconia to the Great Lady Cassandra Mikaelson!", the courier declared, as if he was confessing in a shoujo manga. Cassandra raised an eyebrow at both the title and the letter.

She hadn't heard from Malleus or his people all week. The dinner party had to be rescheduled due to the disaster that was Riddle's overblot, and while the girl hadn't heard any word of a new date being set, she assumed it was either in the distant future and Yue had set it on her behalf, or not yet determined. And 'Great Lady'? Last she checked, she was just 'Mrs.' or 'Lady'. What was with the sudden title change? Taking the letter, she smiled at the poor winded boy, who blushed at the sight of her beautiful smile.

"Thank you for bringing me this. You can go now.", she said, and the boy nodded before standing, bowing again and leaving. Sam looked horribly confused by all this, and Cassandra gently broke the wax seal and pulled out the letter within. She began to read it, her eyes widening and face paling with every sentence. Sam began to look concerned.

"What's wrong?", he asked. Ash and Shorter looked over her shoulder and read the letter themselves. They too began to look pale and shocked, and just as Sam was about to repeat his question, Cassandra clutched the letter tightly in her hand at her side and responded.

"We have seven hours to prepare for a dinner party with Malleus Draconia.", she said emotionlessly, and Sam began to look as worried as she did as she sneered angrily, waving the letter in the air.

"Why do we only have seven hours to prepare for a dinner party with royalty?! Who approved this schedule?!", the angry girl screamed. None of the men in front of her could give her a clear answer, but there was one.

Oh, there was one.


Meanwhile, back at the soon-to-be-named dormitory, its members as well as Ace and Deuce were hanging around in the kitchen and living area. Skip was watching one of the Naruto movies, Griffin was sitting with him on the couch, scrolling through his phone, Grim was watching as well, Eij was reading a book in a chair in the corner, and Ace and Deuce were sitting on another couch doing homework. Yue, meanwhile, was in the kitchen, checking his emails on his laptop. He hadn't been in this world long enough to need to do it constantly due to all his connections, but sometimes he got important school messages or information about their blood supply from Trein. He was peacefully sipping a mug of jasmine tea, feeling the rare feeling of being truly relaxed as he took comfort in his routine.

This feeling was shattered into a million pieces as soon as he read an email from one Lilia Vanrouge.

It was simple, but alarming in its context. It read as such;

Can't wait for tonight! See you all at 7! :3

Yue ignored the mildly cringey emoticon and contemplated what on earth the fae could mean by that. Then he remembered the dinner party, and then it clicked. Looking back at past emails he had replied to, the long haired vampire found and clicked one from the same fae. Reading both it and the reply, he figured out what the most recent email meant.

Dear Yue,

I was told by Cater to direct all emails about formal events to you. Do you know if Cassandra would like to reschedule the dinner party? If so, when? Malleus was greatly looking forward to the event.

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