Down with the Bloody Red Queen

Start from the beginning

"How do our Unique Magics equate a distraction?!", he asked loudly, but was soon cut off. All of them froze, eyes wide in fear when they heard a menacing sing-song voice.

"Oh Cassandra~! come out, come out wherever you are~! This game is getting rather BORING!", the disturbingly cheerful voice of Riddle yelled out as he searched the rapidly dwindling crowd (due to Ash's evacuation efforts) for his target. He quickly seemed to get tired of this and ended up throwing a rose bush into the crowd at random, which landed not far from where his main target was. Cassandra began to look hurried and grabbed Trey by his shoulders.

"Just tell me, goddamnit!", she yelled, and Trey, soundly terrified, answered her nervously.

"I-it's called Doodle Suit! It lets me override one aspect of an object, and-and Cater can make clones of himself! It's called Split Card!", the green haired boy stammered out. Cassandra released him, but not before she soundly kissed him and gave him a smirk, leaving him stunned. Rolling up her sleeves, she returned Excalibur to its true form, and went to stand in front of the group once more.

"That'll do! Skipper, get back to the school as fast as possible, get Trein and Crewel! Tell them what's happening! When they ask, tell them 'overblot'!", the girl ordered. Skip saluted her.

"Yes ma'am!", he answered, before dashing off towards the mirror gate, becoming lost in the sea of students. Cassandra then turned to Griffin, Shorter, Eiji and Yue.

"You four, go help Ash with the evacuation! I don't want to see any of you in the fray until every student is safe from harm! Yue, make sure you use your magic to protect everyone in case Riddle gets any ideas!", the redhead ordered swiftly. They all nodded.

"On it!", Shorter shouted, before he grabbed Yue by the wrist and led him, Eiji and Griffin towards the direction they had last seen Ash in. Yue sputtered, a mirror image of Ace and Deuce mere moments before. Cassandra was now left alone with her Heartslabyul boyfriends, Che'nya and Grim. She looked at them purposefully.

"As for you all, are any of you good at making a scene and being obnoxiously loud?", she asked slyly, already knowing the answer. Ace, Deuce and Grim (who laid across Deuce's shoulders), looked at each other and grinned widely.

"Our time has come!", they all yelled at the same time, before running off towards Riddle without a word. Cater watched them leave, confusion obvious on his face.

"How did they synchronize that weird sentence?", he mumbled to himself, before dashing off after them. Trey followed soon after, and Che'nya smiled at her one last time before his grin was left hanging in the air. She glared at what seemed to be the eye of the storm, where the clouds swirled and lightning flashed, but she knew what it really was; or rather, who it really was. Her eyes narrowed further as she held Excalibur tightly in her right hand.

"Alright, ", she began, growling out the words to herself.

"Let's finish this."


Divus sat at his desk within his classroom, to an outsider seeming to look at a book of potions essays due to a minor illusion spell, when in reality he was looking at an old history book; a book on the world's greatest power couples, to be more accurate.

After extensive research, the gray eyed man had realized his initial assumption about his mark was right; it was a soulmate mark. Which meant there was a woman (or man) out there who he was destined to be with. And there was no way in hell it was Cassandra Mikaelson, no matter how much he secretly wanted it to be, because he was not a cradle robber. A fiercely independent science professor/fashion designer, yes, but a pedophile he was not. The morals his Auntie Cruella had instilled in him may have been admittedly rather loose, but they weren't that loose. So he was just going to ignore the 'M' monogrammed on the left side of his lower chest, the fact that the surrounding motif suited the girl in question all too well, and play the part of a doting mentor, until said girl inevitably graduated and they only saw each other at friendly get-togethers and the occasional wine tasting (she seemed like the type to enjoy it).

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