The Many Morbid Uses of Vines and Kalim's got Game

Start from the beginning

"With what money? They're children. Surely you don't expect two little boys to give you their lunch money? That's a bit juvenile and cliche, don't you think? And blood? If I didn't know any better, I would think you were threatening the little ones.", she growled out in a voice that warned the idiot to stop talking before he said something he would regret. Unfortunately, he did not.

"'Children'? Why do you keep calling them that? I mean, the curly haired brat I get, but the thing on his shoulder is just a-", the leader started off-handedly, but was unable to finish, as he had been pulled back against one of the nearby support pillars. He was clutching his neck, and seemed to be choking from the noises he was making. His friends rushed to his side.

"Dude, are you okay?!", one of them asked.

"What's wrong?!", the other one asked. Cassandra, Yue, and Ace simply stood there, arms crossed, with malevolent smiles on their face and eyes glowing in rage and vindictive glee. Deuce had covered Skip and Grim's eyes, and was trying not to find joy in the bully's suffering. Had the two lackey's been paying attention, they would have noticed the thin but strong green vines wrapped around his neck and feet, cutting off his oxygen and holding him in place.

"I'm sorry-", Cassandra started, slowly stalking towards the three terrified bullies, hands now back at her sides as she flexed her fingers threateningly. The bullies felt themselves sweat when they noticed her clawed nails.

"- but I didn't quite catch what you just said? Care to finish that sentence?", she asked, voice filled with barely contained rage. Had anyone been paying attention to him, they would have seen that Yue's right hand was clenched slightly. He clenched his hand a bit more, and the vines tightened their hold.

"Because it sounded like you were just about to call my familiar a... what was it? Ah yes, a monster.", Cassandra hissed out through clenched teeth. The leader made some choked noises, and Cassandra took that as confirmation.

"And here I thought we had established the vulgarness of that word... oh well, I suppose some people require a more... permanent lesson.", she said, getting closer and closer, until she and the leader were a foot away from each other.

"You seem to have your definitions mixed up, so I shall correct you. A monster, is not an adorable young fire cat with dreams of being a mage; it is a beast, who spares nothing and will pay no heed to pleas for mercy. They are the demons, lurking in the shadows of the fairy tales told to children. They are creatures without love, without joy. They live only for the misery of others, and they are not so gracious as to explain their reasoning to you as I have been.", she hissed quietly enough so that only he and those with superhuman hearing would hear, and she then grinned widely enough to reveal the daggers she had for teeth.

"They are what good people can become at the drop of a hat if you push them too far. They have the devil's glowing eyes, daggers for teeth, hair dripping with the blood of their enemies, and they eat ignorant bastards like you for dinner.", she hissed in his ear, and as soon as she finished speaking, Yue clenched his fist all the way, causing the unnamed Heartslabyul student to be pulled taught against the pillar, his feet hovering just above the ground.

"So you best think before you speak, boy.", she hissed at him, and Yue opened his fist, causing the leader to be released and fall to his knees, gasping and coughing for air. His friends went down to catch him, and after they helped him up, the leader looked at Cassandra with teary eyes as she grinned with malicious glee.

"You crazy bitch!", he yelled. Cassandra only cackled.

"Ouch, ooh! Such an insult!", she then pulled him up by his shirt collar, her eyes stabbing through his.

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