The Gypsy Boy and The Cat, The Prince and The Popstar

Start from the beginning

After a few moments, the emerald eyed boy stopped dancing. Taking a few calming breaths and closing his eyes, he was soon startled into opening them by the sound of clapping. Looking up, the emerald eyed boy saw his companion, grin wide and toothy, looking down at him and smiling. The dancer raised a dark eyebrow and crossed his arms.

"You know, it's rude to stare.", he said. His voice was smooth like silk and just deep enough that you could tell it was a male voice. The cat boy only sat up and tilted his head, cheshire grin still present.

"It's not rude if you're meant to be watched. Plus, that's no way to treat the guy who showed you this little slice of heaven, now is it?", the cat boy's voice was purr-like, rumbling and mischievous. The way he spoke made everything he said sound like it had a double meaning, even when it didn't. The dancer only stared and kept his eyebrow raised.

"I never asked for you to take me here; you just dragged me here from our dorm room at midnight without an explanation. I've been practicing my dancing because the minute you laid down on that tree branch, you went back to sleep and would not wake up, and I was not about to risk getting lost in the dark woods with a history of hosting various dangerous magical creatures. In short, this is a kidnapping, but I'm too tired to care.", the emerald eyed boy said, his voice deadpan and factual. The cat boy only laughed.

"Well, when you put it like that...", he trailed off, before grinning his widest grin and, to the surprise of his companion, disappearing in a shimmer of gold dust, leaving only his grin hanging in the air before that disappeared as well. The dancer looked around, trying to find where the cat boy went, only to jump when he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"But you're the one who kept complaining about not having a private place to practice your dancing, Emerald. I brought you here because only I know about this place. Isn't this what you wanted?", the cat boy said slyly, now leaning against the young man now known as Emerald. Emerald sighed and relented a bit.

"Yes, I did say I wanted a private place to practice dancing where no one could watch me, but I did not 'keep complaining'. I said it once, Che'nya. And you can't really say no one was watching me since you were there.", Emerald said to the boy now known as Che'nya. Che'nya chuckled and shook his head.

"Details, details.", he said mischievously, which caused Emerald to roll his eyes and walk away. Che'nya, now without the support of Emerald's shoulder, began to drift in the air lazily as he followed his roommate.

"All those minor details aside, that's no way to treat your upperclassman, Emerald. And after I so graciously took you under my tail, too...", Che'nya trailed off. Emerald glared at him.

"I never asked for your help! You've just been following me around all day, giving me your unwanted input. You didn't know we were roommates until literally when we got to the room, so don't use that as an excuse!"

Che'nya had opened his mouth with a cheeky grin at the end of the second sentence, his face turning neutral when he was shot down. Emerald continued to speak.

"I'm tired, I was tired before we even got here. Can we please go back to the dorm?", Emerald pleaded. He knew he sounded like a jerk, and would probably end up apologizing in the morning, but right now he was too tired and pissed to care.

Che'nya sighed and closed his eyes, arms behind his head as he floated backwards.

"Alright, alright, if that's really what you want we can- RROOOW!", Che'nya's vocal resignation was cut short as he yowled in pain, similar to a cat when their tail was stepped on, and fell to the ground on his rear end with a loud 'THUMP!'. Emerald's eyes widened and he made his way over to his roommate in concern.

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