Emo Big Bird Tries to Assert his Authority and Fails Spectacularly

Start from the beginning

"We-We have no idea what you're talking about.", said Ace, his voice higher than normal. He felt his brow start to perspire as he spoke.

"Ye-yeah Grim, confess what? What do you think we did, commit a crime?", stuttered Deuce, who began to laugh nervously, something Ace began to mimic. Grim looked unamused, forelegs crossed and eyebrows raised.

"You know what I mean. Why the hell haven't you two told Cassandra you have the hots for her?"

The Heartslabyul duo felt themselves jump as he said that. Shit, they were busted!

"How the hell do you know that?!", Whisper yelled Ace, not wanting anyone else to hear his confirmation despite the fact the mirror chamber was empty, save for the heart marked young man and his two companions. Grim smirked.

"Please, a blind man could see it! You both act and smell like two animals in heat when you're with her! So, why haven't you told her?"

The two jumped again, and Ace answered once again, cheeks burning scarlet and fists and eyes clenched shut in frustration.

"Because it's hard, okay?! There's a lot of things to think about, and you don't understand any of it! This is a human thing, so keep your thoughts to yourself, you damn cat!"

That last word made Grim widen his eyes, before he narrowed them in anger.

"'Damn cat'? Well, if you guys want to be jerks, then two can play that game! If you won't tell Cassie, then I will!"

Ace and Deuce braced themselves in alarm.

"You wouldn't dare!", Deuce said. He wanted everything to be perfect when he confessed, to be all romantic and stuff! Hearing 'Deuce loves you' from Grim was not romantic! Grim grinned evilly.

"Try me!", he said, flying over to the mirror gate to the store, only to be blown away from it by a gale force wind Ace cast at him with his magic pen thanks to some quick thinking.

"Wha-hey!", yelled Grim as he was blown into the wall between the Pomefiore and Ignihyde mirrors with a loud 'thump!', before sliding onto the ground comically. The familiar rubbed his head and growled, before he flew out the door of the chamber and down the stone corridor. Ace cursed.

"Crap! We've gotta catch him and shut him up!", Ace yelled as he started sprinting after the familiar.

"But what about class?!", Deuce yelled after him. Ace didn't even look back at him as he ran.

"This is more important!", the red haired young man yelled back as he rounded a corner. Deuce cursed as well, and after a moment's consideration, ran after his dormmate and his crush's familiar.

The three played cat and mouse for a while, dodging students and ignoring the yelling of teachers for them to 'stop running in the halls'!. Soon, they came to the cafeteria, which was now empty due to lunch being nearly over. Grim looked around frantically as he realized he had trapped himself. Ace grinned manically and Deuce glared at the panicking creature.

"Nowhere to run now, you little shit! Now, you're going to keep your muzzle shut about us and Cassandra, or I'm going to turn you into a parka!", Ace yelled out threateningly as he pointed his magic pen at Grim, with Deuce following suit.

Grim had to think fast. The two humans were blocking the only exit. He looked all over the place, trying to find a solution to his problem, until he glanced up and saw the large iron chandelier. He had an idea.

The familiar then grinned at the two evilly, confusing them until he flew up to the ceiling and perched himself on the rim of the chandelier.

"As if, Trampola!", he yelled out, before sticking his tongue out at the enraged duo below. Ace growled at the infernal nickname.

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