15 - Misc: Bad luck brings adventure ft. slight Rannett

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"Thou Prinzessin-" Fischl started.

"Fischl, I need you to get to the point, I forgot my dictionary!" Bennett screeched.

"Here," Fischl says, handing a piece of paper to Bennett.

It said in normal-ish handwriting: Read the book 'Flowers for the Prinzessin Princess Fischl'

"Did you write it because you didn't want to say it?" Bennett asked.

Fischl nods.

So Bennett hops off to the library. Because we're going too fast, let's add in a scene on Bennett's way to the library.

"Hello," A sudden voice said.

"AGH!" Bennett was totally not surprised.

"What?" The voice asked.

"Where are you?" Bennett asked, looking around.

"I'm the blind one, not you. But I'm on this bench. I always have been, have you never seen me?" The voice asks.

Bennett uses his eyes and sees a girl, sitting on a bench.

"Oh, hello," He says cheerfully.

"Kids these days..." Glory mutters to herself.


"Yay, I'm at the library!" Bennett exclaimed to himself as he stood in front of the huge building.

"No you're not," A cheerful voice says, "but if you want to pray to Lord Barbados inside the Church, go ahead,"

"Barbara, good to see you!" Bennett exclaims.

"It's been one day..." Barbara says.

"I know, but where's the library? Did I take a wrong turn?" Bennett asks.

"Yes, I think you took the only wrong turn you could..." Barbara sighs.

"Follow me," She offers, and Bennett accepts this offer, but this is the only offer he accepts, much to his demise later in his life.

The two set off to the Library, located in the Knights of Favonious building. Of course, the travel wasn't easy. Bennett tripped off the windmill they accidentally went on, Bennett fell up the stairs they were supposed to go down on, Barbara used her elemental skill so many times her burst would have charged 50 times, and Bennett got eaten by Timmie's pigeons.

But the two made it!

"Bye Bennett!" Barbara waves towards the unlucky teen as she leaves the area. But once she leaves, Kaeya ran into Bennett.

"Oops, sorry~ Oh shoot, you're a kid, byeeeeeee," Kaeya sprints off.

"Wut," Bennett asks himself.

But he continues and actually opens the right door.

"Hello, what would you like to check out?" The librarian, Lisa, asks right when he enters the library.

"Oh... Just uhhh... Book," Bennett says in response.

"Well, you've come to the right place. Because I have so much free time after school in Sumeru and I don't know how to use it, I've been spying on Mondstadt citizens. I know exactly what book you want, and I have two copies left," Lisa explains, guiding Bennett down a staircase (which he tripped down) to a bookshelf.

"I normally just memorize where books are but I've already done that even after rearranging the library three times, so here," Lisa grabs a book and hands it to Bennett, and it was indeed the book he was looking for. The soft cover of 'Flowers for Princess Fischl'.

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