11 - Xiaoven: Venti Chai Tea Latte

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It would be a normal day without problems, but then again, a day with no problems is not a normal day, for it is impossible to happen and would be named 'holy' or something.

Xiao was a moody teenager, as every other teenager would be. But this guy worked at... Starbucks. A bad place to work at, but his father insisted.

"Hello, what can I get you today?" Xiao asks his customer, the words dry on his tongue from repeating it so much.

"I want a Venti Latte with ten shots of espresso please," The customer says, taking out their wallet.


"We don't serve 10 shot lattes here, if you want that, make your own," Was Xiao's verbal response.

"Fine the, I want the most caffeine you can fit into a venti latte," The stranger argues.

"Okay, what's your name for the order?" The worker asks.

"Keqing, K-e-q-" The customer starts.

"I know how to spell it, your girlfriend talks about you all the time through text," Xiao says, spelling the name correctly without any help.

"I- uh," Keqing was surprised by this answer and gets get out of her half-asleep state.

"Don't suffer from burnout," The Yaksha says, then goes to the next customer.

"Hello, what can I get you today?" He asks.

"A Venti Chai Tea Latte!" the customer says, giggling at their own order.

"Okay, name?" Xiao asks.

"Venti," The customer says.

"I know, venti size, what's your name?" Xiao grumbles.

"Venti," The boy(?) giggles.

"No jokes," Xiao says.

"My name is Venti," 'Venti' frowns.

"Ugh, fine," Xiao makes another grumbling noise and fills out the name as 'Venti'.

Venti smiles and skips off to a booth to wait for the drink. What a weird kid.

"Hello, what can I get you today?" Xiao asks the next customer.


Two days after the weird customer, and Xiao was still thinking about how weird that name was, if that was his name. The next day, the boy dressed in green did not appear, and Xiao was somewhat relieved as their little chit-chat caused some impatient people in the line leave the shop.

"Hello, what can I get you today?" Xiao asks, still filling out the last order's name.

"I would like a venti chai tea latte," An annoying yet familiar voice exclaims.

A sigh came from Xiao.

"And your name?" The worker asks, looking up at him. He didn't look much different from last time, aside from the green case in his hand.

"Venti! Same as last time, it's not like my name would change over just two days!" Venti says excitedly.

"Okay," Xiao sighs again and fills out the order with quick speed, as he has experience in ordering.

"And I'll see you later..." The boy starts, then squints at Xiao, "Xiao!"

"No you won't," Xiao says darkly, annoyed that the other was as excited as he was.

"Yes you will~" He skips to the same booth he waited in two days ago and hums a tune to himself.

After his drink is delivered, Xiao begins to be curious and glance at the green boy once in a while. The boy was on a computer, writing something and muttering random synonyms, then testing the word to another that rhymed. Was he a song writer? No, that didn't matter to Xiao, the emotionless boy with depression and insomnia. :D

A haphazard mess of Genshin One-shotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang