13- Misc: Canadian bloodbath with a bit of Kazuscara nobody asked for

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At Teyvat Academy, things are a bit different. Those who choose to enroll experience an immersive world and a unique schedule of random yet surprisingly useful classes they all needed. Nobody gets teased there, because being a nerd isn't bad anymore. Yay!

The school has high-end math, science, and history classes thanks to their teachers with incredible skill in their teachings. Zhongli, a previous student, knew so much about history already that the school was forced to add a whole other class in the history branch of courses.

Things like this happened rather often, so many strange courses popped up over the years, such as AP Pop Star Vocal Training and Close-Combat Bow Instruction: Pathway Two, Extended Learning. Don't ask; blame Childe (That's become my motto these days).

This, of course, was appetizing for many students and parents looking for a future without having to pay the ridiculously high price for a private school. Sometimes the students themselves forgot this was just another public school because of how everything was organized and taught to perfection.

And this is where we start our story: in this unique, strange, immersive public school.

Childe was READY. His team was out again on the rink, hockey-gear adorning them, pucks flying across the floor. After a week of being unable to play and stuck on the bench due to the inevitable injury that is hockey, he was prepared to commit mass hockey murder. His team was out there while he sat on the bench, but he knew he'd be out soon. He told the coach he was ready to prove himself once again.

"Tart, you're up," the coach called as Yelan skated to the sideline, blood dripping from her nose.

Without a second thought Tartaglia skirted on top of the ice. Fast as lightning, he snatched the puck from the current play (I don't play hockey idk how this works heh) and lead it along toward the goal.

"RUSSIAN'S ON THE FIELD!" One of the enemy team members warned their comrades.

Smirking at his nickname, Childe skated faster and faster until he reached the opposing team's goal. The guard for the Cryo team, Eula, was fierce, and Childe knew well. Cryo came close to beating Hydro often, but with Tartaglia on their team, Hydro hadn't lost once in two years, not even to other schools.

Scoring the goal easily with his high saucer pass/shot, Tartaglia skated in a victory circle, surrounded quickly by his comrades who cheered him on, patting him on the back and congratulating him for being 'back on the rink'.

Childe smiled, knowing his team was invincible and their win was inevitable would always bring a smile to his face. Looking at all the friends he'd made, he couldn't help but feel happy.

After another win two weeks ago, practice had been light and rather easy. Childe didn't push them hard, and the coach was out on vacation. Their next match, tomorrow, was against Anemo. The team was rather small and tended to be skinny and weak (I mean, they were all poets, so duh) so it wasn't an issue at all.

Mona was a rather studious person as well, but she had trained with the hockey team for a very long time, and even she wasn't worried about Anemo. It was a big mistake. Jk. Or am I?

Mona was walking toward the girl's changing rooms for today's hockey pratice when she overheard some gossip. Immediately intrigued, she peered around the corner to catch her friend, Fischl (a well-known theater kid) and Eula (Ew, enemy team!) talking rather loudly about Mona's team's next battle.

"Anemo team's got a chance, now," Eula contemplated. "Good. I shall have vengance! Even if second-hand and through another team!"

"Precicely! For opportunity appears before thee, Eula, Cryo hockey captain! Years pass of indispensable hatred and vengance-seeking, alas, hopes prevail; rejoice, my good companion, for thy enemy's enemy is ineluctably an ally. Condemnsion of Hydro shalt be realized!" Fischl dramatically performed her paragraph I used the thesaurus to write.

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