"I...wasn't planning to run today, though," Jimin mumbled with a faint tint of pink coating his cheeks as the students around them started to whisper about the condition he was being dragged into the room.

"Do you have any idea how difficult it was for me to request you in my team? How could run away like that without introducing yourself?" Hoseok continued to walk and waved his hand enthusiastically at his team once he spotted them.


Wait a damn minute!

Hoseok put him on his team deliberately?

Did he just say that it was he who requested for me to be on his team? Jimin's head was frozen in utter confusion.

Hoseok interlocked his fingers with Jimin's and slightly pushed the boy into the center with his team members surrounding him all around.

"Now, champ! Introduce yourself," Hoseok cheered giving a light press over Jimin's tiny hand as a sign to speak up.

Jimin gulped as he looked around. He parted his lips but the words were caught at the level of his throat. His heart was feeling cornered in the center of so many people. But there was something that Jimin's eyes managed to see despite all the fear wrapped around his heart.

They looked...happy after looking at him.

They didn't have a judgemental look on their face.

Even, Hoseok had an expression that didn't scream disappointment.

Was he dreaming?

He shrugged his thoughts and mustered the courage to speak up with hands grabbing the sides of his pants to mask the slight tremble in his fingers.

"Hi, My, no I mean...I am Jimin." Jimin moistened his lips as he waited for some kind of taunts to fly across his face for the shittiest intro he gave.

"Buddies, meet the genius of our team! He is the final member of our team," Hoseok concluded and everyone cheered with claps.

Jimin blinked his eyes unable to comprehend the situation. Hoseok nudged the boy's shoulders to pull his attention.

"I always wanted you on the team but the old professor gave me lame reasons stating you wanted to work alone. The new professor was kind enough to accept my cue and let you on my team. I want to work with you-"

"Why?" Jimin's face turned blank the moment he put forth the question.

"Huh?" Hoseok slightly tilted his head under confusion.

"Why me? There are a lot of people in A.I. So why me?" Jimin had no clue where he got the courage to question Hoseok like that but he had to know it before stepping off the cliff of hopes.

"Have you seen anyone here who mustered the courage to finish a project single-handedly and still receive an A in their project? I always envied your talent, Jimin."

Did he hear it right?

The one and only role model that Jimin had is telling him of being envious of his pathetic ass?

Is this truly happening?

Should he slap himself to wake up from the dream?

"Unless you have another team in your mind...I won't force you to stay here," Hoseok pouted and hung his head low.

Is he telling the truth?

What if this is a trap?

What if they are all planning to bully me once he steps in?

WRAPPED DOLL | JIKOOK [COMPLETED]✓Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя