Chapter 9.1: Who did it?

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Tw: Blood warning




Sirens blared in the background, there was screaming, there was wailing, there was... chaos.


someone screamed, Jake felt light headed, his vision was blurry. He felt... wet. He tried to move his arm, but seering pain shot up through it, it felt heavily out of place...and paralyzed. He tried to use his other hand, it was better, it moved, but it still hurt...he brought it to the back of his wet head and then to his line of sight... Blood. Lots of it. What happened? everything was perfect...everything Zander stood over him, paramedics trying to help him as Zander kept pressure on the back of Jakes head. He could barely see that Hailey was screaming, begging, sobbing just to be by his side, but no one let her through. She screamed in anger, sorrow, fear, and most of all, anguish.


She begged, and eventually, she was let through. Zander being pushed out so Hailey could keep pressure on Jake's head. She wrapped her arms around him while she did this and helped the paramedics put him on a stretcher. Zander and Hailey entered the ambulance with Jake and a few other doctors. There was someone else in the crowd. the one who caused it. They had a hand over their mouth, and they were crying. they wanted to help but they couldn't. the small boy next to her looked up.

"...I told you to watch out..."

He said, causing his mother to flinch, falling to her knee's and hugging her son.

"My...My baby..."

She broke down, her son hugged her, deep down he was in deep pain...his brother was just hit...and it was his fault.

Shannon walked out, having saw everything.


The mother flinched, and didn't dare look. Shannon sighed, and the small boy held onto his mother. Bethany came out of the house, rubbing her eyes... was something wrong? She looked stained the road, and there was a girl crying by her mommy. But...that boy...


She called out, and the boy looked over, his green eyes seemed a bit dull, and tears were already forming in them. His bright hair was flowing in the wind, and his hands trembled. Bethany walked over, seeing one of her friends were hurt. She hugged the boy (not a ship btw, just friends and thats how it be)

"What happened? Why are you crying?"

"We just...We..."

He tried to respond but he couldn't he just inhales sharply, then started to break down. Shannon turned to Bethany.

"Bethy, Could you call the music club...? Tell them it is an emergency"

"B...But what happened? Why is Milo..."

"...My baby boy...I'm so sorry..."

Sobbed the Mother, and Bethany was lost.

"What happened to Jakey...?"

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