Chapter 4: Fixations

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Jake got home a bit late, He stopped on the way for some late lunch. He did skip lunch after all due to passing out. He had grabbed some burgers and some chicken nuggets. After eating, he walked the rest of the way home. He was...stuck in his thoughts.

She...still wants to hear me out?... I... I can't mess this up this time, tomorrow, I have to tell her everything... even if they don't forgive me, they deserve to know the truth...!

Jake finally reached his house and flopped onto his bed. He sighed softly and closed his eyes, He fell asleep, for once, at peace. He... had another nightmare though. It was...almost like a memory. He was sitting in Haileys room, she was singing, she was...showing him the reality, showing him he had a place in the club, in their family but then, the scene faded around them... It was him, and Hailey. But then it was...him and himself...wearing a black cloak...just like in his nightmare.

"N...No, I'm not like you! Not anymore! Leave me alone!"

He yelled, trying to push the figure gasped...but it wasn't his glitches...and it was Hailey again, looking up at him, really scared.


She asked, tearfully backing away.

"H-Hailey wait!! I- I didn't mean to! Please...!"

Hailey got up, starring him in the eyes, quickly running past him, his eyes widened. He quickly turned around, chasing after her. His eyes were closed, so he didn't watch where he was going, he just had to catch up.

"Hailey, Wait!!!"

He called into the darkness. He called again and again but no response... He opened his eyes, he was on his knees, looking up as the entire club looked down on him. His eyes were small, and he couldn't stop the thoughts from flooding in.

Two faced coward... Freak... Traitor...Pathetic...Fake friend.

Jake started to cry, everything around him faded away, suddenly he could see a bright light below him. He widened his eyes, and he shot up out of bed.


He screamed, sweating and hyperventilating as he tried to calm down. Sweat fell his face constantly as he curled up slightly, hiding in his knees. Milo heard him screaming, and slowly appears at the door.

"Jake? What the hell are you screaming about... it's like, 4 in the morning..."

Jake quickly caught his breath. He looked over to Milo...

"Oh... Uhm... oops, Haha... You know how it is... Just had...uh.... a nightmare that Oreo ate my uh...microphone."

Jake lied, of course he would. He wasn't going to let his 12-year-old brother know about his high school problems.

" a really bad lie. What, did you actually get dumped today?"

he snickered, Jake just starring at him with a 'bruh if you don't' face.

"I already told you, she was just a friend."

"Well obviously, I meant by your oh so precious Daisy"

Jake just rolled his eyes...then realized, he hadn't spoken to Daisy today, and she was probably worried.  He quickly opened his phone and opened his messages with Daisy.

'Jake where are you?'


'I don't have much time, are you okay?'

'Are you okay Jake? Why did the principal call you to his office?'

'I have to go Jake, head girl duties...text me as soon as you can please D:'

Jake mentally facepalmed. How could he forget about their plan? If he stuck to it, maybe he could have properly explained himself to Hailey and the club... but He ruined it, like he ruined everything else in his life up to this point. Jake sighed, Milo casually stalking his phone.

"Ooooooo~ you got in troubleeee~ I'm gonna telllllll~"

Jake flinched.


He whisper shouts, causing Milo to cackle. Jake sighed, slapping his brother LIGHTLY on the back of the head.


Milo stuck out his tongue at him

"Just don't make any more noise, I wanna go back to sleep."

Milo says, then walked out of the room. Jake just chuckled at his little brother, somehow that made him feel better. He decided to go back to sleep himself. He has a really long day tomorrow... And Hailey did say to get better sleep tonight, which, I mean he has. He went to bed around 10, and it's 4 now. He flopped on the bed, and closed his eyes again so he could finally go back to sleep, hopefully he doesn't have another nightmare....

OKay this is a bit shorter, but hey, its a build up to the next one ;)

We won't stop now! (Jailey Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя