Chapter 2: Shadows of the past

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Class went by calmly, at least for the most part. Jake keeps hearing whispers about him, and occasionally, He'd catch Hailey glaring at him, but then quickly pay attention to the teacher when Jake caught her... Each time, Jake's frown got worse, it really made him second guess trying to make up with her today. Maybe he should tell Daisy to do it tomorrow.

'Hailey keeps glaring at me... I don't blame her... But why is everyone talking about me today? I mean, I know my looks are great and all, But-'


The teacher called out, causing Jake to snap out of his trance, Flinching as he quickly stutters and almost starts fumbling over his words

"O-O-Oh! Y-Yeah? S-Sorry-"

The teacher sighed, Looking at him with a very disappointed glance

"The Principal would like to see you in his office, Immediately."

The teacher spoke out, causing everyone in class to turn to him, Jake felt... Nervous all of a sudden. He slowly nodded as he wrote his name at the top of his school work paper, which he had already finished. He grabbed his stuff and walked out of the class, He felt like everyone was laughing at him... It was like Middle school all over again.

On the way to the Principals office, Jake passed by Milly and Sean, Jake thought about talking to them, but Milly harshly shoved passed him, As if she knew he would try to talk to them. Sean just looked disapprovingly at both of them. Jake finally reaches the Principals office, and the Principal did not look pleased, at all.

"Uhm, You called me sir?..."

Jake started to ask cautiously. His eyes didn't meet the principals, as he felt like he wouldn't be able to handle the gaze right now.

"You've been quite busy, Haven't you Jake?"

The principal started to talk, clearly having some... obvious disappointed tone indications

"I already knew you and your... 'posse' have been harassing the music club for some time now, but this?"

The principle played the audio... Jakes eyes, which were glued to the floor, had widened. His face darkened as he shut his mouth completely... As if he needed a reminder of what he said...

"Was it really necessary to go this far to get at them? Did you have to send it out to the whole school?"

Jakes eyes widened even more...

The whole school knows...? That explained the whispers... the starring... The glares... Zoey... What have you done... Was it not enough to ruin my relationship with the Music club?!

He thought before quickly replying haste-fully, He didn't want the principal to have the wrong idea.

"Sir! Please, I swear, I didn't mean a word of what I was saying in that audio! And I didn't plan on sending that to ANYONE! I wasn't even the one who  recorded it!! Please you have-"


The principal huffed, Stopping the audio, just before Past Jake would say

"They should've known from the moment I joined that I wouldn't be a Music Freak."

"What reason do I have to believe you didn't plan this out? after all, You and your frie-"

"They're NOT my friends! They egged me on, They pressured me into saying all of that!! Hailey, Zander, Milly, Sean, Luke... None of them deserved the harassment that... we did to them!... and they didn't deserve someone like me to come along and hurt them even more..."

Jakes eyes began to water, falling to his knees. He wasn't going to start crying, he wasn't. The Principal on the other hand seemed... conflicted.

"I'll let you off with a warning... Right now, It does seem like you regret and are sorry for what you did to them... You can go back to class. And if you plan on apologizing, Then good luck."

The principal dismissed Jake, but he didn't go back to class, How could he? His eyes were starting to drip with tears, and his eyes were already starting to get puffy... He'd be a laughing stock if the wrong crowd saw him. He decided to go up to the rooftop, alone.

But, Once again, someone had seen him again... Hailey, I wonder why she's following him around seemingly, Who knows.

'Heck, Hailey can't even sing without me because of her stupid stage fright, and they probably wouldn't stand a CHANCE without me! They should be grateful that I joined them in the first place! They should've known that from the moment I joined that I wouldn't be a music freak.'

Oh Jake... How could you say such harmful things? I thought you had changed... I truly thought that you were warming up to us... I know you have a passion for singing... so why did you toss us out like that...?

This was all that had circled Haileys mind since the other day. She decides to follow Jake up to the rooftop, only to See him sit down by the chained wall and looking at the floor, Jake pulling out his phone... It looked like he was texting someone. As if on cue, Her phone buzzes, and she guesses that answered who the mystery text was for.

'Hailey... I'm so sorry, Please... I just want to talk things out... Please...'

She read the message, But only sighed, Looking away from him. She wasn't ready to talk, She saw Jake's eyes dull out even more when he saw that she had read the message, but hadn't replied. Hailey decided to leave him alone, but widened her eyes and turned back to see him starting to climb the fence, Her heart started to freeze and her body ran cold, was he going to...

He didn't. He ended up staying at the top for a while, though. Jake looking out at the view above, He even started to sing. Singing the song that They both wrote together.

Haileys eyes trailed off... Why did he look so... at peace... and astonishing when he sang... She turned her body away from the door after seeing him climb back down safely.

He started to walked over to the doors, which Hailey didn't realize because she turned away. Hailey flinched as the door opened... and for the first time after the incident, The two locked eyes.


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