Chapter 7: What is Love?

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Jake's eyes widened, being pulled in slightly. They weren't kissing, It was like that scene in episode 8 when they were rehearsing. Jakes face got slightly red.


Jake asked, questioningly. Hailey then flushed deeply. But then immediately felt crushing pain.

"U-Uhm... I-I said friends...!"

She tried to cover it up, But Jake didn't let it slide. Instead, He was piecing together everything. He held her hand slightly. Jake didn't know how to feel though. I mean, He's always liked Daisy. It was a big feeling since middle school. Yet... Had he not realized that he had slowly started to like Hailey as well? I mean... He even told her some of his most personal secrets, things even Drew and the others don't know fully about.

"J-Jake... Let me go... I already understand..."

Hailey spoke, trying to get out of there, But Jake refused. His heart strings were being tugged, and he wanted, no, He knew what he needed, what he wanted. He held her hands

"You don't understand..."

Jake spoke, but Hailey looked away. She whimpered softly, but then widened her eyes in shock when Jake pulled her closer, Holding her against his chest

"Shhh... You don't need to cry Princess."

He smiled at her, and she held onto him gently. Jake softly used his left hand to rub her back to comfort her.

"Can... I have some time to think about it?"

Jake asked slowly but also thoughtfully. Hailey looked up at him, she felt her heart beat fast, but it also felt really heavy. Hesitantly, Hailey nodded at his request. Jake smiled and continued to hug her. Eventually, they did eventually part ways after Jake had informed Zander that he found Hailey. He also told Zander that Milly was here too, but she was... surprisingly still asleep. How long can she sleep for anyway?

Once Zander got there with His mother, Hailey and Jake worked together to put the sleeping Milly in Shannons car. Hailey got into the car as well. Jake was offered a ride, But he declined respectfully. They drove off, Leaving Jake alone with the sunset.

Jake started to walk off the campus of school, and his phone went off, Opening it as he saw Daisy was messaging him.

'Jakee? Are you okay? Did you guys talk it out? I saw Drew upset about something with you and the club'

Jake softly chuckled... That deep feeling he once had for her was a bit shallow now, but he was still at a crossroads. He began to text back.

'Hey Daisy, Sorry I haven't spoken to you at all. Can we talk about something after I catch you up?'

Jake looked at his phone, then continued to walk. Starring into the sky. Jake received a response within minutes.


'Cool, Alright. So, What happened was...'

Jake spent almost the entire walk home explaining to Daisy everything thats happened since their last talk. Daisy was relieved to hear that Hailey and Zander heard him out, and even happier that Zander was giving him another chance, even Hailey.

'Daisy, Can I ask you something?'

He reached the door of his house, looking up to see a note.

'Dear my bonehead brother.

I forgot to tell you last night that Im gonna be staying at Auntie Jess's house for the week, Mom said you're in charge of keeping the house clean while they're out. Yeah they went on another trip.

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