Chapter 6: Hailey's Fear

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The bell rang, Last class of the day now. Hailey was traveling through the hall with Zander, They were talking about Jake, Hailey wanted to forgive him, move on already but she couldn't. She needed more time. Zander was trying to let her accept that, telling her it was normal for her not to fully trust the oaf, even he didn't.

"I just don't understand Zander... I want to believe him; I want to just let it all go and move on but... This ache in my chest is still thumping..."

Hailey softly mumbled, Zander putting an arm around his sister, trying to be comforting.

"Hailey, I keep telling you, it's alright not to forgive him. Even I don't. I'm not going to pretend it didn't happen, it wasn't just one incident. Besides, I... Know how you felt about him."

Zander admitted, looking away, slightly seething. Hailey tensed up and looked at him.

"Zander I- D-do-"

"Don't bother Hailey, I already know. You liked that oaf... You probably still do. Thats why you're having a harder time."

Zander spoke, Causing Hailey to go silent, Tears slightly whelm up in her eyes... She continued his point.

"And if I forgave him now... and I let my feelings out... I might end up hurt again..."

Zander sighed, Patting his sister on the back. He turned to face her and just quieted down for a bit, then speaking up.

"It's best you take time to yourself to think about it. You can't rush this decision either... I won't stop you if you do forgive him... And I won't make you not date him... It'd... be wrong for me to do that... even if I do despise that oaf sometimes..."

Zander sighed heavily. Causing Hailey to slightly chuckle

"Only sometimes?"

She teased, giggling as his face lit up in anger and frustration.


Hailey just began laughing as he went on a rant about Jake. He stopped as they reached the class door, and they walked in and sat down. They just have a study hall, so Hailey started doing some of her missed work.

Hailey didn't notice that Jake walked in late, and he seemed conflicted himself, but also looked extremely guilty when he looked over to them... He walked over to them and put a gentle hand on the desk.

"Hey... Uhm... I'm... Sorry, I yelled at you earlier... I was... Emotionally stressed."

Zander looked at Hailey, who seemed to recognize what he meant. Zander was a bit defensive.

"It's alright Jake... I was too... It was normal in that moment... I still need time..."

Jake nodded slightly.

"I-I know, Sorry Hailey. I just... needed to get it off my chest... I'll stop bugging you now."

He smiled softly, then walked over to another desk, setting up some stuff as he just watches some gacha tube. Zander looked at him, but then looked away and went back to doing his own thing. Hailey pressed the tip of her pencil against the paper she was working on, trying to keep her composure. Eventually she did and finished her work.

Jake was stuck in thought, zoned out from everything around him.

This feels so hopeless... No matter what I try It feels like I can't get her trust again... Nor anyone else's... Shes probably not going to let me back in again... I'm going to be alone.

Jake thought, looking away and biting the inside of his cheek. He grabbed the front end of his hair and shut his eyes, tugging on it. At that time though, Someone Sat in the table in front of him. Jake immediately put on a metaphorical mask.

We won't stop now! (Jailey Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ