Chapter 8: Haileys Truama

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Hailey screamed, Jolting up out of her bed with her body feeling rather cold, but then suddenly warm. She felt sweat buds sliding off her face, but then also noticing her vision was blurred, tears running down her face as she softly curled up and hugged her knees. She began to sob quietly, but Zander had already barged into the room, worried for his sister.

"Hailey! What's wrong?! What happened?!"

Hailey's sobs were now becoming faint, and she looked up at him. She looked horrible, like she just stared death in the face. She tried to catch her breath as Zander was trying to calm her down. Hailey's parents and little sister came in as well, all of them heard her yelling and crying. For a while, they all stayed to calm her down. After she was calm, Her parents and sister left, leaving only Her stepbrother now.

"What happened Hailey?"

"Wh... What did happen... Wh... When did I even fall asleep?"

"After you hung up on Jake, it's like 7 am right now, are you okay? What even happened?"

"Nightmare... Horrible... Nightmare..."

Zander sighed, patting her on the back and looked away.

"Wanna talk about it?

"I-I can't..."

Zander softly pat his sister on the back, Understanding she didn't want to talk further about it. Hailey's eyes were wide, as if she saw a ghost.

"J...Jake...Jake...didn't... respond... did he..."

Zander looked away, then seethed.

"No. I'm going to make that oaf-"

"D-Don't hurt him please... ... I need... to see him... as soon as possible..."

"Hailey?... What's gotten into you?"

Zander questioned, Causing Haileys breathing to begin rapidly accelerating. She jumped out of bed, got changed, and ran off to school. She didn't turn back, even as Zander called her name numerous times behind her. A while later, She arrived, short on breath, and to her, short on time. She lunges through the doors, and goes back to the basement. Just like in her dream, It was the same. Dark steps leading to a darker area... But this time, there was a visible light switch. Something they must have installed yesterday, or repaired. She flicked the lights on to see the entire basement light up... It looked empty... there was only one item visible... and it was almost exactly like her dream. Jakes necklace... Laying there... But she looked around, Almost traumatized. Where was the monster? was it a figment of her imagination? Why would Jake's necklace be laying here like it was in her dream? Why wouldn't Jake return her calls..? Did he hate her now?


She called out, Grabbing his necklace and holding it against her chest. Her eyes lurked to every inch of the basement.


She called again, No response... Not a single noise except for her feet meeting the ground. She didn't like this, not one bit. She continued to wander, before then returning to the door she came in from.

"...He's not there...But his necklace was..."

She held it in her hands, Looking at it before leaving the basement and shutting off the light. She quickly left the stairwell that lead up, and closed the door behind her. She didn't like this at all.

"...Where... could he be?"

She asked herself, then pulled out her phone. She tried to call Jake, and this time, it rang for a couple seconds. Half a minute passed, it went to voice mail. She seethed. She tried again. after 3 rings, The phone was answered.

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