"Come in, close the door and take your shoes off," I said and walked towards the bedroom where I could hear Charles shuffling around with my suitcase.

"Yes ma'am," Lando replied and then I heard the door close.

In the bedroom, Charles was already sorting through my suitcase. He always sorted them into laundry piles and then washed them, while he put all the other things on the bed for me to deal with. He knew I'd have to deal with them if I wanted to go to bed, so that's how he knows I'll get it done. He hates when I leave my unpacked suitcase in the corner of the room for days, so he's started doing it for me.

"Je leur demanderai de partir," I'll ask them to leave, he said when he heard Lando and Alex's voices in the living room.

"Tu n'êtes pas obligé de faire ça... j'ai du déballage à faire... et j'ai besoin d'emballer des cadeaux," You don't have to do that...I have some unboxing to do...and I need to wrap presents, I told him as I shoved him out of the way from my suitcase so that I could do it myself.

"Ils ne resteront pas longtemps," They won't stay long, he said, kissing my cheek before walking over to the door where he stopped again, "Maman veut qu'on vienne dîner," Mom wants us to come over for dinner, he added before walking back into the living room where I heard him almost scold them, while laughing, for showing up at his door for a game.

While Charles hung out with Lando and Alex, I put away everything Charles had put out on the bed, like my makeup, curling iron, straightener, shoes and so on. I listened to Charles laughing in the living room, at least when it wasn't drowned out by Lando's loud laughter. I was dreading the thought of moving away, even though I wouldn't be moving completely. I would just have a second place in Los Angeles, and spend more time there. But spending more time away from Charles and Monaco. I love Monaco, I love the apartment, being close to Pascale, not an ocean from my parents, and for most of the time on the same continent as Charles and Arthur.

I carried my laundry to the laundry room, passing the living room where the boys had started playing mario kart on the TV, instead of whatever game they came over to play. I started my laundry and on the way back, Charles called me inside the living room.

"Lily wanted me to ask if you're going to the Austin race... I'm trying to convince her to go," Alex said when I walked in. He gave me a begging look as I walked up to the couch, placing myself next to Charles who was sitting on the backrest of the couch and put his hand on my hip to pull me in closer. Alex looked down at his phone when it vibrated again, "she says she misses you."

"So does my girlfriend, she misses the girl squad," Lando said, keeping his eyes at the TV as he frantically turned the wheel.

"You got a girlfriend?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"No," Alex and Charles replied in unison.

"Well, I'm not competing that weekend, so I might go," I replied, watching Alex happily report back to his girlfriend. Charles squeezed my hip a little, smiling when I turned to look at him. He seemed happy that I was going, since the next race I had actually planned to be at before that point was Abu Dhabi. I turned to look at Lando, "maybe you should get a girlfriend, Lando, we could use another addition to our 'girl squad'."

"Fewtrell is my girlfriend, does that work?" He asked.

When they had left, we went to Pascale's house for dinner. Arthur was there, also just back from Italy where he had been preparing for the upcoming race. He almost threw himself at me, and then at Charles as well. Pascale kissed my cheeks twice before hugging me, telling me I need to call more if I'm going to be away that much. Her saying that reminded me that I'd have to tell her too, just as much as my parents who were flying in tomorrow morning.

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