no doubt that article was eye-awakening.... this impressed you ...

You were not the type of girl who gets impressed with roses and red flag boys ...

your motive was easy and simple 

study hard .... and be successful 

you studied hard to get into this college and you were satisfied with yourself that you were able to take admission in your dream college 

Jackson and you .... took admission in the same university since you guys were introverted and had anxiety to interact with new people ...

Then why not take your best friend with you? it will be less awkward then

this how you two joined the same university 

When the sessions started Namjoon was not in your batch ... so first few months of your college went with lots of case studies and law quotations

but for some reason .... Namjoon was transferred in your batch after 4 months of freshman year 

Everyone in your batch was excited to meet Kim Namjoon because he was rumored to be the best student of college ....

he was already quite famous in college for his intelligence and looks 

it's a rare combination ... this is why people were more thrilled about him 

but all their excitement died when Namjoon joined your batch 

Namjoon always remained silent and well consisted when he was studying in your batch 

He never talked with anyone .... Namjoon was not introvert .... the word ambivert can classify him

His father was the head of the legal department in his college .... and you can imagine how awkward it is to study in the same college as your parents

Namjoon had friends .... well too many friends... All kinds of students were his friends ...but mostly it was badboys ... low rankers and athletes 

parents are always concerned with their child's studies

Namjoon was always a sincere kid and intelligence flowed in his genes ...

he aced his high school with top most ranks ...

but when he entered college ... his ranks dropped below the expectation of his father ...

his father understood this was all because of his friends

so, he transferred his son ... away from his 'friends ' and distractions 

Namjoon obeyed his father .... because he didn't want to anger him 

Namjoon was transferred to your batch .... he became the ace again

he started concentrating in his studies and maintained his first position for months

he didn't talk to anyone in that class ...... because they were practically strangers to him

the other batchmates also didn't bother him .... because when they do ...... they got a cold shoulder in return

it was his 4th month in that class and he still didn't know the name of his batchmates

it was not like he became a complete loner in those months .... He keeps in touch with his friends from the earlier section .... without his father's sight 

that was the reason he was able to survive in that class which was full of 'nerds' according to him

impact of compatibility .... due to the friends Namjoon had .... his mentality and his thinking were also becoming like them

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