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Hello, my dear readers! 😄

Thank you so much for following, reading, voting, and commenting. I can't even begin to explain to you how much it all means to me. I appreciate you all, and I wish I could thank each and every one of you personally. ❤️

The story is completed!

I hope that you enjoyed the journey with me. I just love these characters so much, and I wish that I could continue this story forever. I feel like a part of Lucy's family by now. 😅

I thought a lot about the romantic aspect of this story, but I decided to leave it like this. As you might have noticed, I try really hard to keep my stories as realistic as possible. I thought about Lucy's situation and I don't think that it would be realistic for Lucy to enter a relationship after all that she has been through. It wouldn't be realistic for her family to approve of her relationship before she had time to heal. I don't know if you agree, but it was something that seemed most realistic to me. 🤔

Also, I know that a lot of you love Ethan. I love him too, and I want to give him a fair shot at a relationship with Lucy. As many of you commented, it would be illegal for Ethan to try something with Lucy because she is a minor. I made a mistake when I wrote him as a romantic interest because the law about relationships is a bit different in my country and I didn't consider the USA's laws (and the story is based in the USA, so I definitely should have done that 😅). It was a mistake, and, again, I want the story to be as realistic as possible, so I want Lucy to turn 18 so Ethan has a fair shot! 😁

I would love to write a third book about this family because I just love them so much. The third book would definitely be focused on romantic relationships and not so much sibling relationships as the first two. I was thinking about a two- or three-year jump. I am not sure about the plot yet. I hope that you will like it. 😊

I will now focus on my other book, Abandoned, and I will publish every day until it's finished. 😄

Thank you again for reading. 😊

Enjoy the last chapter of the book. I cried a little while writing it. 😅🤭

I'm sending you guys a ton of hugs, and I wish you all a wonderful day! ❤️

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