Chapter 7

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Lucy POV

“I love your hair.” Sienna said as she ran a brush through my tangled locks.

“Thank you.” I said softly.

“So, French braid?” Sienna asked, placing the brush on the desk in front of me.

I nodded my head. When Sienna asked what I wanted to do first, I immediately asked her if she knew how to do a French braid. I always thought that it looked cute, but I never had anyone who would teach me how to do it. I watched videos and tried to do it myself, but I never managed it. Liam tried to learn it as well, but we soon realized that hairstyling wasn’t his thing. When Sienna said that she knew how to do it, I was so excited.

“Your brothers love you very much.” Sienna said with a small smile on her face.

I smiled as I felt warmth spreading around my body. They loved me, and I loved them. I loved them so much that I sometimes thought that my heart would burst with all the love. They were my family. They saved me. They gave me everything I always wanted and more. I couldn’t be more thankful to have them in my life.

“I love them even more.” I said softly.

Sienna smiled and looked down.

“Do you like living with the guys?” Sienna asked as she started sectioning my hair.

I watched her in the mirror. She was focused on the braid, but she kept glancing up to look at me.

“I love it.” I said, smiling. “My brothers are the best.”

Sienna smiled and nodded.

“I hope that I will get to know Theo and Noah a little bit better.” Sienna said. “I know Liam and Ezra, but I didn’t get a chance to get to know Theo and Noah.”

“They are amazing.” I said. “I love them so much. They are the best brothers.”

Sienna smiled and looked at me through the mirror.

“They are very protective of you, though.” Sienna said. “Does that bother you?”

I shook my head immediately. It never bothered me. It worried me sometimes because I didn’t want my brothers to be scared. But it never bothered me. Their love and care could never bother me.

“Is Ezra as protective as Theo and Noah?” Sienna asked as she looked back down at the braid.

“No.” I said. “Ezra and Liam are a bit more chill than Theo and Noah.”

Sienna nodded and smiled, but I saw worry in her eyes. Why was she worried?

“Is everything okay?” I asked her softly.

She looked up at me and gave me a small smile.

“I’m a little worried about Ezra.” she said quietly.

My heart raced. Why? Was something wrong with my brother?

“Why?” I asked, trying to swallow the lump in my throat.

“He seems tense all the time.” Sienna mumbled. “He seems scared all the time. He wasn’t like that before.”

My heart clenched painfully. Was it because of me? Was my brother scared because of me? Did I make him tense? Was this my fault?

Please, no. I didn’t want to hurt Ezra. I didn’t mean to hurt Ezra.

“I shouldn’t have said anything.” Sienna sighed after a few moments of silence. “I shouldn’t bother you with this.”

“It’s not a bother.” I said immediately. “My brother’s well-being will never be a bother to me.”

Sienna studied my face for a few seconds.

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