Chapter 27

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Ezra POV

“You’ve done a good thing calling her here.” Liam said as we sat down at the table.

“I hope so.” I sighed. “I’m afraid that Theo will come barging in here.”

“We’ve talked to him, Ezra.” Liam said. “He knows that this isn’t his business. Also, I will stop him if he tries something.”

I nodded and took a sip of my coffee.

I wished it was something stronger, though.

But I couldn’t drink. Not now. I needed a clear head for my talk with Sienna.

“I will be here if you need me, okay?” Liam said softly as he reached over the table and took my hand in his. “You are not alone, Ezra.”

I looked up at him and smiled.

He was the best brother I could have asked for. He was there for me since we were kids. We had arguments, of course, but I knew that I could always rely on him. He was there for me even when we were fighting. One time, when we were still in school, we had a huge fight over some stupid video game. I didn’t even remember what it was about exactly. I just remembered how annoyed I was with him and how angry he was at me. We hadn’t spoken to each other for days, but when a bully in our school hit me, my brother went batshit crazy at him. After he beat up the kid, he came over to me and hugged me tightly. We still fought about the video game after that, but at that moment, I knew that nothing would ever come between us.

“You are the best brother, you know that, right?” I said as I squeezed his hand tightly.

“I’ve been told.” Liam said, smirking.

I chuckled and rolled my eyes. He was the best brother, but he could be cocky as hell.

The doorbell ran and I froze.

“Breathe, Ezra.” Liam said as he let my hand go and stood up. “I will be in the living room. I will come right away if you need me.”

I nodded and stood up.

Liam and I left the kitchen. Liam went to the living room and I went to open the front door.

“Hey, baby.” Sienna said as I opened the front door.

My vision reddened when I saw her face.

“Come in.” I said coldly as I stepped aside so she could come inside.

“Is something wrong?” Sienna asked worriedly as she walked past me.

“Let’s go to the kitchen.” I said, clenching my fists tightly.

Sienna gave me another worried glance before she started walking toward the kitchen. I followed her, taking deep breaths and trying to calm myself down.

Sienna and I entered the kitchen, and she sat down at the table.

I sat down opposite her and took another sip of my coffee, trying to buy myself some more time to calm down.

“What’s wrong, baby?” Sienna asked, trying to take my hand in hers.

I didn’t let her.

“Why would you lie to Lucy?” I asked, looking up at her.

Her eyes widened, and for a second, I could swear that I saw fury in them.

“What are you talking about?” she asked, trying to fake innocence.

“Let’s not do this, Sienna.” I said, gritting my teeth. “You know damn well what I am talking about. You told my sister not to talk to me about her problems because I was sick. You told her that I couldn’t sleep. You told her that I was tense and scared.”

Sienna gulped and tightened her jaw.

“You have been more stressed since she came back.” Sienna said. “I’ve noticed a change in your behavior, Ezra.”

“You’ve noticed a change in my behavior?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. “Why didn’t you talk to me about it? Why tell my sister? Why lie that I can’t sleep? As far as I am aware, I am sleeping perfectly well.”

“Because her problems made you change your behavior.” Sienna said, and I could tell that she was getting angry.

“That’s a load of bull, and you know it.” I said, narrowing my eyes at her. “Maybe I’ve changed, but I’ve changed for the better. My brothers changed for the better. We finally got her back, and she made our lives better.”

Sienna leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms over her chest.

“Why did you do it, Sienna?” I asked. “What did you hope would happen?”

Sienna remained silent, but the fury in her eyes was evident now.

“Do you have anything to do with Jack and Brian?” I asked as my heart raced. “Are you working for those fuckers?”

Her eyes widened. “No. Why would you ask me that?”

I narrowed my eyes and studied her face for a second. I really couldn’t trust my judgment, though. She’s been hurting my sister for days, and I didn’t notice shit.

“Why did you want to separate Lucy from me, Sienna?” I asked, tightening my jaw. “Why did you lie to her?”

Sienna narrowed her eyes, but stayed silent.

“Why, Sienna?” I asked again, raising my voice a little.

I was trying not to shout, but I was so fucking hard. I just wanted to scream my lungs out at her.

“She was taking you from me.” Sienna finally answered.


I couldn’t speak for a second. What was she talking about?

“I don’t understand.” I mumbled.

“You love her more.” Sienna said angrily. “She means more to you than I do.”

My eyes widened.

Was she fucking serious?!

“I thought that if she would just stay away from you, you would spend more time with me.” Sienna said, clenching her fists. “I thought that if you weren’t bothered with her problems, you would have more time for me, and after that, you would love me more than you love her.”

Was my hearing okay? Did my ears stop working?

I just couldn’t believe what I was hearing. It couldn’t be true.

“You are jealous?” I mumbled. “Because I love my sister more?”

Sienna tightened her jaw but stayed silent.

“Are you serious right now?” I asked, widening my eyes. “You are fucking jealous because I love my little sister more than I love you?!”

“She doesn’t deserve it!” Sienna exclaimed, making my anger explode. “She hasn’t been in your life for ten years! I’ve been beside you for years!”

I wanted to punch her. I knew that I couldn’t, but I so fucking wanted to.

“Did you say that she doesn’t deserve it?” I repeated her words quietly as I narrowed my eyes and clenched my fists.

“Yes.” Sienna said. “You don’t even know her.”

I was really going to fucking punch her!

“Leave my house right now!” I heard Liam’s angry voice as he entered the kitchen. “You are fired. Don’t come near my family ever again!”

Sienna gasped and looked at me, wide-eyed.

“You heard my brother.” I said coldly. “If I ever see you near my family, I will fucking kill you, Sienna.”

“Ezra, baby...” Sienna spoke, but I interrupted her.

“Shut the fuck up!” I shouted. “Leave right the fuck now!”

Liam approached me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

Sienna stood up and ran out of the kitchen.

I heard the front door open and slam shut.

“Are you okay?” Liam asked me softly.

“Did she really say that Lucy doesn’t deserve my love?” I asked as my heart clenched painfully.

Liam pulled me into a tight hug.

“She is fucking crazy.” Liam mumbled.

I hugged my brother back and took a deep breath.

“Thank you.” I mumbled quietly.

“No need to thank me.” Liam said. “I told you that I would always be here for you.”

“I love you, Liam.” I said quietly, tightening my arms around my brother.

“I love you too, little bro.” Liam said as he rubbed my back softly.

I couldn’t believe what Sienna had said.

Lucy deserved everything. She was the most important thing in my life. No one would ever come before her.

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