Chapter 36

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Lucy POV

I was broken.

I was drowning in guilt, even though everyone told me that it wasn’t my fault.

But it was. Of course it was.

If it wasn’t for me, Riley would be here right now. She would be with Aiden and Ethan. She would be safe. She wouldn’t be hurt.

Listening to Aiden’s sobs and screams made my body hurt. He was in pain. His twin was missing. His twin was hurt.

And it was all my fault.

I had to do something to help her. I had to bring her back to her family. She didn’t deserve this. The only thing she did wrong was choose me as her friend.

But what could I do? How could I help?

Was there any way that I could tell them to take me and give Riley back? Was there any way that I could leave without my brothers noticing?

I had to find a way. I had to. I couldn’t let Riley get hurt because of me. I couldn’t.

Right now, the only thing I could do was tighten my arms around Ezra and sob.

“Oh, my baby.” Ezra sighed as he rubbed my back and rocked me back and forth. “It’s okay, honey. We will find Riley. We will get her back.”

I couldn’t respond. The lump in my throat was too big.

Ezra stopped hugging me so he could wipe the tears from my cheeks.

“Let’s get you a glass of water, honey.” he said as he stood up and put me down on the bar stool. “You need to drink.”

Was Riley allowed to drink?

Ezra walked toward the cupboard, opened it, and took out a glass. He filled it with water and walked back toward me.

I shook my head when he handed it to me.

“You need to drink, honey.” Ezra said softly. “Just a small sip.”

I kept my eyes on the glass in his hand. I felt warm tears fall on my cheek.

“Can Riley drink water?” I asked him quietly. “Is she thirsty?”

Ezra sighed and put the glass on the kitchen island. He picked me back up and placed me on his lap.

“You can’t think like that, Lucy.” he said softly. “You can’t refuse to drink because Riley might not be allowed to drink. You need to stay healthy so you can be here for your friend when she comes back.”

I looked up at my brother and studied his face for a second.

He was right. I needed to be okay so I could help my friend. I needed to be okay so I could help bring her back to her family.

Ezra gave me a small smile, picked up the glass, and handed it to me.

I took it from him and took a small sip of water.

“There we go, honey.” Ezra said, leaning in and kissing my cheek.

I gave him the glass back, and he put it on the kitchen island. I leaned my head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my erratic heartbeat down, but it was so hard.

I kept picturing Riley hurting. I kept picturing her crying. I kept picturing her screaming for help.

Ezra kissed the top of my head just as someone burst into our house through the back door.

I flinched and looked up.

“Fuck, Dylan!” Ezra exclaimed angrily. “You almost gave me a heart attack!”

“I told him to walk in like a normal human being.” Carter sighed, annoyed.

Dylan approached me and pulled me into his arms.

“My Shortcake.” he mumbled. “We will find Riley, don’t worry.”

I hugged my cousin back and sobbed again.

Dylan tightened his arms around me and kissed my temple.

“Does the police know anything?” I heard my uncle ask Ezra as he approached Dylan and me and rubbed my back softly.

He leaned in to look at me, and he kissed my cheek.

“I don’t know.” Ezra sighed. “Peter showed the video of the kidnapping to the guys. Lucy and I are waiting here. We didn’t want her to see it.”

Dylan sat down on the bar stool and tightened his arms around me.

I was glad. I didn’t want them to let me go. I needed them right now.

“How are Aiden and Ethan?” I heard Matt’s voice behind me.

“I think you can imagine.” Ezra sighed. “They are terrified.”

Dylan tightened his arms around me. “Unfortunately, we know exactly how they feel.”

Another wave of sadness hit me.

I remembered how scared and hurt my brothers and cousins were. I remembered how Theo and Noah suffered. My heart hurt for Aiden and Ethan, knowing that they were going through the same thing right now.

I heard footsteps approaching the kitchen.

“Did they recognize him?” I heard Ezra’s voice.

“Yes.” Liam answered. “It’s a new senior. One of the cameras in the parking lot caught him leaving the school. They have his license plate number, and they are trying to find his car.”

My heart raced, and I looked up. Would they find her? Would they really find her?

I felt Ezra’s hand on my back.

“Did you hear that, honey?” he said softly. “They have a lead.”

Liam approached Dylan and me. He took me from Dylan’s arms and hugged me tightly.

“How are you, love?” he asked me.

“Scared.” I mumbled, burying my head in his chest.

“She will be okay, love.” Liam said, running his fingers through my hair. “They will find her and bring her home to her brothers and parents.”

I nodded, and Liam kissed the top of my head.

“Where are Theo and Noah?” I asked, feeling the need to see them.

“In the living room.” Liam said. “Do you want to go them?”

I gave him a small nod, and Liam put me down.

“We will be right there, love, okay?” Liam said, caressing my cheek.

I nodded again and walked to the living room.

My legs were shaking, and I could barely walk straight.

My mind was on Riley. Was she hurt badly? Was she cold? Was she hungry? Was she thirsty?

I reached the living room, and my eyes fell on my brothers, who were consoling Aiden and Ethan.

Noah saw me first. He reached out for me, and I approached them.

I looked at Aiden, and the tiny pieces of my broken heart broke even more.

Aiden looked up at me and tried to smile, but a sob escaped him instead.

“I am so sorry, Aiden.” I said as I sat down next to him and took his hand in mine. “I will help get her back. I will do everything I have to do to get her back. I promise.”

I meant what I said. I would do everything. I was the one who was supposed to be tied up to that chair, not Riley.

Both Noah and Theo put their arms around me.

“You can’t put yourself in danger, Lucy.” Ethan said softly. “Riley wouldn’t want you to put yourself in danger.”

“You will do everything you can from here.” Theo said sternly. “You won’t leave my side, not even for a second. Am I clear?”

I looked at my brother and gave him a small nod, just as Noah’s phone rang.

The five of us looked at it, and my heart stopped.

The same number from which the text about Riley was sent was now calling my brother.

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