Chapter 11

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Lucy POV

Hello, doll.

Do you miss us? We miss you so much. We were hoping to see you in the courtroom. We were disappointed when you didn’t come. Why? Don’t you want to see the two most important people in your life? We wanted to see you. We will see you again very soon. We miss you, doll. We will get you back. You belong to us.

My hands were shaking. I’ve read the note a hundred times since yesterday, but it never got any easier.

It was a prank. It had to be a prank.

“Lucy?” doctor Robins’ voice startled me.

I shoved the note into my jacket pocket and looked up at him.

“Is everything okay?” he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

“Of course.” I said, giving him a small smile.

I stood up and approached him. He stepped aside so I could walk into his office.

Doctor Robins closed the door behind me and gave me a small smile.

I sat down at my usual spot and waited for him to take a seat at his desk.

“How are you, Lucy?” he asked as soon as he sat down.

“I’m okay.” I said, giving him a small smile.

“That is nice to hear.” the doctor smiled. “How is school going?”

“It’s going really well.” I said, trying to stop my voice from shaking.

It was going really well until I found that note. Now I dreaded going back and opening my locker again.

Doctor Robins studied my face for a moment before nodding his head.

“Are you sleeping?” he asked. “Any nightmares?”

“I’m sleeping.” I said. “I didn’t have any nightmares.”

I didn’t have nightmares because I didn’t sleep.

But it was only one night. There was nothing to worry about. It was a prank. I would forget about it in a day or two. I would be okay.

Doctor Robins nodded, but I could see that he was studying me carefully.

Would he notice something?

I couldn’t let that happen. He would tell my brothers, and Ezra would suffer even more. I couldn’t let my brother suffer. Not again, not because of me.

“You seem tense today, Lucy.” doctor Robins said, making my heart skip a beat.

Of course he would notice. He was a psychiatrist. He was my psychiatrist. He knew me.

“Did something happen?” he asked when I stayed silent.

“No.” I answered immediately. “I’m just a little bit tired.”

“But you slept okay?” doctor Robins asked, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Oh, shit.

“I did.” I said, digging my nails into my palms. “I should get my period soon. That always makes me feel tired.”

I really didn’t know what excuse I would give once my period ended.

But I would be fine by then.

Everything would be fine by then because this was just a prank.

“Is that all, Lucy?” doctor Robins asked softly.

“Yes.” I nodded, giving him a small smile.

“Okay.” doctor Robins said. “If there is anything that you need to talk to me about, I will always be here, Lucy. I hope you know that.”

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