Chapter 39

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Lucy POV

My heart sped up.

I jumped off of the counter and rushed back to the living room. Theo and Noah were right behind me.

“Did you find Riley?” I asked as soon as I saw Peter.

He looked at me and shook his head.

“We found his car.” he said. “We are searching the area.”

My eyes fell on Ethan and Aiden. They were hugging each other tightly. Ethan was whispering something to Aiden.

It hurt to look at them.

I could bring Riley back to them immediately. I could give them back their sister, and they wouldn’t have to suffer.

I took a deep breath and approached them. I kneeled in front of them and wrapped my arms around them both.

“They are going to find her.” I said, trying to stop my voice from trembling. “I will do whatever I can to help bring her back. I promise.”

Both Ethan and Aiden wrapped their arms around me. Ethan kissed my temple and leaned his head on mine.

“Thank you, Lucy.” Aiden mumbled. “You are the best friend to my Riley.”

“She is the best friend I could have.” I said. “She helped me so much. I love her, and I want to do everything I can to help find her.”

“You can’t put yourself in danger, Lucy.” Ethan said, lifting his head and looking at me. “You can’t do that to your family. You can’t do that to us. We love you, Lucy. We can’t lose you again.”

My heart skipped a beat. The warmth I saw in Ethan’s eyes sent shivers down my body.

Someone pulled me from them gently. I looked up and saw Theo.

He was going to tell me something, when Peter interrupted him.

“They are calling me!” he said as he answered the phone and put in on speaker.

Theo pulled me to him immediately.

My heart stopped beating.

I held my breath.

“Talk to me, Jeff.” Peter said as he sat down on the couch.

I glanced at Aiden and Ethan. They weren’t breathing. Their eyes were glued to the phone.

“We found them, boss.” the guy on the phone said. “We are trying to get inside.”

Aiden sobbed.

Ethan pulled him into a hug.

My heart almost gave out.

Thank God.

Theo buried his nose in my hair and took a deep breath.

“Thank fuck.” Liam breathed out.

I heard mumbles all around me, but I focused back on the phone.

“Be careful, Jeff.” Peter said. “He could be armed.”

My heart raced again. What if he had a gun? What if he hurt Riley?! What if she died?

Oh, God, what if she died?!

I couldn’t even look at Aiden and Ethan.

“We are trying to see inside, boss.” Jeff said quietly. “It looks like it’s just him in the apartment, but we can’t be sure.”

“Stay on the line, Jeff.” Peter said, looking up at Aiden and Ethan. “I need to know what’s going on there.”

Liam and Dylan approached Ethan and Aiden. They pulled them into their arms.

My heart grew double. The support that my family was giving them made the warmth spread all over my body. I loved my family even more because of it.

I heard shuffling on the phone. I heard murmurs.

“Okay.” I heard Jeff mumble.

Okay what?!

“The apartment is small, boss.” Jef spoke to Peter. “Two rooms and a bathroom. The victim is in the bedroom. The kidnapper is in the other room at the moment. There are no visible firearms anywhere.”

“Be careful, Jeff.” Peter said, clenching his fists. “He could have a gun or some other kind of weapon on him.”

Aiden sobbed, and Liam tightened his arms around him.

“It’s okay, buddy.” Liam mumbled. “They found her. They are going to get her out.”

I looked at Liam with so much love. I wanted to hug him. He was the kindest man I ever met. He didn’t have to comfort Aiden, but he did. He didn’t have to offer to call their parents, but he did. I was so proud of him. I was so proud that I could call him my brother.

Liam noticed me looking at him. He gave me a small smile, and my need to be in his arms only grew by the second. I wanted to show him how much I loved him.

I would have to wait a little, though. Aiden needed him more than I did right now.

“Everything is ready, boss.” Jeff spoke again, making me look back at the phone. “We are going in.”

“Careful.” Peter told him again. “Your first priority is the girl. Get her out of there.”

“Yes, boss.” Jeff said.

“We got you, Riles.” Ethan mumbled, making me look at him.

He was staring at the phone wide-eyed. His eyes were filled with tears. He was holding Aiden’s hand in a tight grip.

I leaned more into Theo. Noah approached Theo and me and wrapped his arms around us.

“Come on, Riley.” Noah mumbled as he leaned his head on mine. “Come back to us.”

I heard something break over the phone, and I held my breath.

“Police!” someone screamed. “Hands up in the air! Now!”

I heard shuffling. I heard people running around.

“I said, hands up in the air, now!” I heard someone scream. “Don’t try anything stupid, boy!”

My heartbeat increased. Would he really try to do something? Would he hurt Riley? Did he have a weapon on him?

I could feel the tension in the room increasing. It was heavy. It was suffocating.

Oh, God, please no.

Don’t let him hurt her!

“Nice and slowly.” I heard a voice say. “I need to see your hands.”

Oh, please, God.

I heard someone walking. I heard some mumbles.

What was going on?

“Suspect in custody.” a voice said, and I sobbed.

“Fuck!” Carter exclaimed loudly.

I could feel everyone around me relaxing a little.

“Where is Riley?” Aiden cried out.

“Jeff?” Peter called him. “Do you have the girl?”

I held my breath again.

“Yes, boss.” Jeff said, making Aiden and Ethan sob. “She is unconscious. We are taking her to the hospital.”

“Why is she unconscious?” Ethan asked, pulling Aiden into his arms.

“Is the girl hurt badly, Jeff?” Peter asked.

“I can’t really tell, boss.” Jeff said, making my stomach turn. “I can see cuts and bruises, but I can’t see any major injuries.”

Aiden sobbed, burying his head into Ethan’s chest.

“Take her to the hospital.” Peter said, looking up at Ethan and Aiden. “We are on our way there.”

Peter hung up the phone and stood up.

Everyone moved at the same time.

I didn’t even realize how frozen my body was until I started rushing toward the cars. My legs were heavy, like they were made of stone. I couldn’t even feel my body.

Ethan rushed toward his car, but, thankfully, Liam grabbed him before he could enter.

“You are in no condition to drive.” Liam said. “You and Aiden are coming with me.”

My admiration for my brother grew even more.

I smiled through my tears and followed Ezra to his car.

They found Riley.

She would be okay. She had to be okay.

I took a deep breath and tried to calm my racing heart down.

Riley would be okay.

She had to be okay.

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