Chapter 13

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Ezra POV

“Hey, baby.” I said as soon as Sienna entered Liam’s office.

I was so fucking in love with her.

She was amazing. She was beautiful, kind, and understanding. She was perfect for me.

She got along with my family. My grandpa and uncle approved of her. Dylan and Carter liked her. Matt didn’t really know her, but he said that she seemed nice.

She didn’t seem nice, she was nice. More than that, actually. She was amazing.

Most importantly, she got along with the most important people in my life. Liam liked her a lot. Lucy liked her. Theo and Noah were still a little bit wary of her, but I knew that they would like her as soon as they saw that she wasn’t a threat to Lucy.

Sienna was perfect, and I couldn’t be happier.

“Hey.” Sienna smiled at me.

Liam glanced up at her and smiled.

“Am I interrupting something?” Sienna asked Liam.

“Of course not.” Liam said. “Please sit down.”

Sienna approached me and sat down on the couch next to me.

I captured her soft lips with mine. I couldn’t wait to do that.

The kiss was too short for my liking, but my brother was here, and I had to wait until we were alone to show her how fucking much I liked her.

“Thank you for helping Lucy today, baby.” I said as I took her hand in mine.

“You don’t have to thank me for that, Ezra.” Sienna smiled. “I love spending time with her. I’m so happy that I can help her. She is an amazing young girl.”

“She is.” Liam said softly. “She means the world to us.”

She really did. Lucy was our baby. She always came first. We loved her more than anything else in this world. I loved her more than anything else in this world. She would always be the most important person in my life.

Sienna gave a small smile to Liam before she sighed and looked down at her hands.

“I still can’t believe that they hurt her.” Sienna mumbled quietly. “How could someone hurt that wonderful girl?”

I clenched my fists and tightened my jaw.

I pictured Jack’s bloodied face. I remembered how Brian screamed. Those memories were the only thing that kept me from going to the prison where they were kept and killing the fuckers.

We made them pay. We made them suffer.

It wasn’t enough, though. Nothing would ever be enough. They hurt our baby. They hurt my little sister. They deserved the worst.

But we had to be satisfied with what we got. A lot of families going through something similar never got a week alone with the abusers. They never got to make them scream. They never got to beat the shit out of them.

We got to do that. We got our revenge. At least a part of it.

“Nobody will ever hurt my little girl.” Liam said coldly.

I glanced at him. He looked murderous. His fists were clenched tight, and he kept gritting his teeth.

We never talked about what happened. We simply couldn’t. It sent us all into a fit of rage.

“Where are they?” Sienna asked quietly.

I glanced at her. She was looking at Liam, and I could see that she was a little bit afraid of him.

She shouldn’t have been. He would never hurt her. But Liam lost it every time someone mentioned the fuckers.

I pulled her closer to me.

“Prison.” I said as I kissed her temple. “They are never getting out.”

I looked at Liam. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. This was so hard for him. My heart was breaking in my chest. I wished that I could help him, but I didn’t know how. I had the same problem when someone mentioned them. I just wanted to kill them.

“That is good to know.” Sienna said. “They deserve to rot in prison, and that girl deserves the world. She is wonderful.”

Warmth spread from my chest to the rest of my body.

Hearing Sienna talk about Lucy with so much love in her voice made me the happiest man on Earth.

“She is.” Liam said as a small smile spread across his face. “She is my little girl.”

He looked at the framed picture on his desk, and his smile grew. It was a picture of the five of us. It was the first picture we took as a complete family.

I smiled and looked at my beautiful girlfriend.

“Are you staying tonight?” I asked her.

“I can’t.” she said, shaking her head. “I promised my mom that I would take her to her doctor’s appointment tomorrow morning.”

“Okay, baby.” I said, giving her a small smile. “Can you stay a little while longer?”

“Sure.” she said, smiling.

I stood up and pulled her behind me.

“See you later, Liam.” I said as I started walking out of his office, pulling Sienna behind me.

Liam mumbled something I couldn’t really hear because I had already closed the door behind us.

I needed some alone time with my girlfriend.

But before I did that, I needed to see my Lucy.

“Sienna, can you wait for me in my bedroom?” I asked her.

“Sure.” Sienna said. “Is everything okay?”

“Of course.” I said as I smiled at her. “I just want to check on Lucy.”

Sienna smiled and nodded. I kissed her forehead and watched as she entered my room.

I turned around and walked toward Lucy’s bedroom.

“Honey?” I called her as I knocked on the door.

“Come in.” she said softly.

I opened the door and saw her sitting on her bed. She was ready to go to sleep.

“Where are Theo and Noah?” I asked her as I closed the door behind myself.

“Showering.” Lucy said. “They will be here soon.”

I nodded and approached her bed.

“Is everything okay?” Lucy asked worriedly.

“Of course, honey.” I smiled as I sat down next to her. “I just wanted to see you before you went to bed.”

Lucy wrapped her arms around me and leaned her head on my chest. I hugged her back tightly.

“I love you.” I told her as I kissed the top of her head.

“I love you too, Ezra.” she mumbled quietly. “So much.”

I smiled and leaned my head on hers.

“Are you in pain?” I asked her as I rubbed her back softly.

“No.” she said, and I relaxed immediately.

“Okay, honey.” I said as I kissed the top of her head again and let her go. “Come to me if you need anything, okay?”

Lucy nodded and gave me a small smile.

I leaned in and kissed her cheek before standing up and walking away.

“Good night, honey.” I told her as I opened the bedroom door.

“Good night, Ezra.” she said softly.

I smiled at her as I left her bedroom and closed the door behind myself.

I was at peace. I saw my little sister. I hugged her. I kissed her. I made sure that she was okay.

Now I was ready to go see my wonderful girlfriend.

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