Chapter 28

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4 months later

Holden and I were sitting next to each other in foldable chairs looking at a ton of people I didn't even know.

Let me explain how I got here. He replied to my message the very next day after I told him, asking to meet up. We eventually talked and got a paternity test, she was his daughter. Not long later, he moved in with me after finding out that I was looking for a roommate. Turns out he was still living with his parents, he also lied on his tinder profile. He turns 22 in a couple months. Meanwhile, my 24th birthday just passed. As you could imagine, I didn't want to celebrate. He was very sweet, but immature. I felt like I was his life coach sometimes. Anyways, he insisted on having a baby shower since he had a ton of family and friends that wanted to meet me and celebrate. So here we are.

"Smile!" His mother was very proud, holding the camera high.

We both looked, smiling. I was just about ready to pop, I was due in under a month. I actually had suspicions that she already dropped. My eyes scanned the crowd, everyone I invited was there in the sea of 50 people. I only invited my parents, Cisco and Millie, Elijah and Elisha, and Isaiah.

So, as it turns out, Elijah has a twin sister. Elisha, she was super chill. I learned to love her. Elijah and I had slept together casually for a few months, but it wasn't much of a thing for the past month or so. We were friends with benefits, but stress the friends. Judah was right about friends with benefits situations, they were lowkey superior. But, I also became better friends with Isaiah. He actually had a thing for Elisha, which was cute. I felt like I was a magical match maker.

I smiled at everyone, we just finished opening all of the gifts. Holden's family was extensive and he was very popular. He was like my polar opposite. I winced slightly as a contraction hit, I'd been getting tons of Braxton Hicks contractions lately. It was getting harder to tell if they were real ones, since I was so close to being due. But, I didn't want to make a big deal of anything, especially today. I was almost 38 weeks, but it's fine, right?


I found myself doubled over hours later trying to walk around the hospital room. The contractions hit one after the other with just a few minutes in between. They were significantly worse now. I was waiting for them to come check my cervix again, I alternated between walking and bouncing on a yoga ball. Once the doctors finally checked me again, it came out that I was already 6 cm dilated.

"If you want an epidural, I think we'd probably do that soon. Things are moving along very fast," The midwife informed me.

"I'll get it," I nodded enthusiastically.

The contractions were starting to make me cry, my mom was holding my hand and Millie was always telling me encouraging words. But, none of it mattered to me. When the contraction hit, I couldn't process anything except pain. It was almost an hour after talking to the doctor that I finally had my epidural put in. I didn't actually know what an epidural was at first, turns out they legit put a tiny tube in your spine. I was terrified, but it turned out alright and it helped a lot. I had been in labor for almost 8 hours, in the hospital for almost 4 of them. Holden didn't want to be in the room with me until it was almost time for the baby to be born. I was actually thankful for it, he wasn't someone I would want in here if it were my choice. He was a good guy but he was kind of a pussy.

Once the epidural kicked in, the pain subsided. I felt each contraction as a fraction of what they were before. Unfortunately, since my body wasn't reacting to the pain naturally the labor slowed significantly. Hours passed, so they recommended a contraction inducing medication. The pain was so much worse than without the epidural, I regretted copping out. I had been in labor for almost 16 hours before they finally told me I would be ready to push soon. They filled the room with all sorts of terrifying supplies.

Balance, BabyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora