Chapter 10

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I was on my way home from my internship when I started thinking about last night with Judah.

~ flashback ~

He looked at me, raising an eyebrow, "Oh really?" He started leaning towards me, I looked back at him still smiling.

"100%," I mocked.

He pushed me back so that I was laying on the couch, his body hovered over mine. He was still looking into my eyes. I bit my lip and put my hands on the back of his neck. He put his hand on my waist, circling his thumb slowly. His head dropped down to my neck and he brushed his nose against my skin, running it all the way up my neck before kissing it softly. I swallowed, trying to not let him get to me.

His lips barely touched my ear as he whispered, "We'll see." I swallowed again, running my hand down his chest. His hand moved to my hip, gripping it towards himself.

"Yeah, we will," I said quietly. I moved my other hand up into his hair, pulling it softly as he continued to tease at my neck. I let a soft groan escape as he finally kissed my neck again.

His face pulled back, smiling, "This is going to be so easy."

"Mmm," I hummed happily, "I don't know what you're talking about, I can do this all night."

He ran his hand underneath my shirt and up my side, "Really?" His eyes were looking right at mine, inches away from me.

"Really," I looked down at his lips, biting mine, "You could tease me all you want, I'm not drunk enough to beg for it."

His fingers traced the natural contours of my body, right below my bra. I licked my lips and my hand traveled down his neck until it met my other hand on his abs. I slid my hands under his shirt as well. I ran my hands over every inch of his abdomen, trying to memorize every curve and crevice. He pulled my shirt up to my neck and kissed the top of each of my breasts softly, "I'll just have to make you horny enough then."

I giggled, "You're not getting me to give in tonight. I promise."

"You're right," His tongue made contact with my skin, I inhaled sharply, "But I'll learn how to get you later. Think of it as practice," He kissed up towards my collar bone, tugging my shirt up. I put my hands above my head to let him take my shirt off. When he threw my shirt he added, "I'm just doing recon."

"Recon, huh?" I lift one eyebrow and rest my hands on his thighs, gripping them. He just ran his hand down my arm, then up again. His fingertips were grazing my skin softly, he went up my neck and down again. Crossing over my collarbone, then around my breast. I tried my best to not react. I bit my lip and watched his eyes, as they followed his fingers across my body.

"Yeah," He was speaking with a low, sexy voice, "I've got to learn your body, figure out what you really like." He gripped my neck firmly, I inhaled audibly, "See, you like that." I swallowed, licking my lips. He moved his hand all the way up my neck, gripping it again. I gasped again faintly, "All I've got to go off of is that you like to play rough," He brushed his thumb across my lips after he let go of my neck, his hand moved to the side of my head. He pushed his fingers through my hair. He pulled it softly, drawing my chin up. He took advantage of the easy access to my neck, kissing it again slowly.

I moaned softly, "You-" He let go of my hair and covered my mouth. His kisses made their way up my neck.

He whispered in my ear, "You like that too, huh?" I groaned. 'Why did I not know how intense he could be?' I was getting so horny, but my thought process brought me back on track. 'I can't lose this bet.' "Tell me, what else do you want me to do?"

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