Chapter 6

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I woke up in the living room to the sound of my alarm. I was laying on my stomach, on the couch. My head was pounding, as soon as I looked up I buried my face back into the couch cushion. 'Dear God,' I was so nauseous. The sound of my alarm kept ringing, each chime echoing as a throb in my skull. I groaned as I finally picked my head up, the light blinding my eyes. I turned my alarm off, and fixed myself upright on the couch. I was still wearing the same clothes from last night and I didn't even take my shoes off. I hadn't been this hungover in a while, it just simply didn't happen anymore. I thought I just got used to drinking so often that I wouldn't ever be hung over again. Except for today apparently. 

I stood up and walked to the bathroom, Judah's door was closed, so I made a mental note to be quiet so I wouldn't wake him. I shut the bathroom door behind me and looked in the mirror, my makeup was still on. I sighed and squeezed some micellar water onto a cotton pad. Once my makeup was all off I rinsed my face with cold water, more to wake myself up than anything else.

I was sitting on the toilet when a wave of nausea hit me. My mouth flooded with saliva, 'Oh shit.' I grabbed the trash can and emptied the contents of my stomach into it. The day wasn't off to a great start to say the least. It was 9:30 when my alarm went off, and I had to leave for work by 11:15. When I fully recovered, I stood up and brushed my teeth. I absolutely hated the taste of vomit, so I needed it gone as soon as possible. I started filling up the tub, deciding to take a bath, and went out to the closet to grab a towel. I left the towel on the bathroom counter and made my way to the kitchen. I took a deep breath after I drank some water and took an Advil, battling the queasiness. 'This is going to be a long day.'


I was on my lunch break, sitting at a table in the back of the restaurant. I decided to splurge on a meal here for the convenience of not having to rush around. I was resting my head on the table, just trying to relax.

"You dead or something?" Francisco's voice came out of nowhere. I looked up as he sat across from me in the booth. He had short, dark hair. His skin was slightly darker than mine too and his eyes were dark brown. You could tell that his biological parents were Hispanic. He was about 5'10 and probably around 160 lbs. He wasn't too muscular, but he wasn't scrawny either. It's funny, a lot of people always thought we were biological siblings. I'm mostly Italian and we do have a lot of similar features.

"Hey," I smiled at him, "What are you doing here?"

"I just thought I'd come see my little sister, I don't have anything better to do on the weekends," He smiled back at me, stealing a fry off of my plate.

"That reminds me, I don't think I ever invited you to go out tonight. I've been meaning to, I just haven't yet."

"K?" His furrowed eyebrows topped off his look of confusion, "We talked on the phone at like 1 in the morning. You literally woke me up to ask me about it."

"Wait, what?" I asked, 'How drunk was I?'.

"Yeah, I could tell you had been drinking. But, I didn't realize it was that much," He laughed at me, eating another one of my fries.

"Honestly, I haven't drank that much in a while," I scratched my head, wondering what else I forgot about last night.

"That," he paused for effect, "Is very, incredibly hard to believe. Do you remember like 3 or 4 weeks ago or something? We all went out as a group and Judah legit had to carry you to the uber, and then from the uber into the house. Up the stairs and everything! My guy was Clark Kent."

I rolled my eyes, "It's not like it happens often. You know? I don't usually black out."

"Okay," He said sarcastically and scoffed at me, "How about like a month ago, your whore ass damn near tried to fuck someone in the middle of a bar. You woke up the next day not remembering a thing." I thought silently, realizing that he was right and there were more times than I'd like to admit where I didn't exactly remember everything clearly. "You probably get blackout drunk at least once or twice a month."

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