Chapter 11

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We were at my parents house, everyone was talking in the kitchen.

"Please?" My mother pleaded to my father, "It's such a nice day out."

He was smiling at her, "Alright fine, everyone help me bring the food out."

I was standing next to Millie, leaning over I asked, "How you feeling?"

She looked at me with a serious face and whispered, "I don't know. I know I said I wanted something real and I wanted to have trust, but this is kind of a lot. No offense, he moves fast."

I couldn't help but smile, "None taken, my mother says he loves hard. I say he has boundary issues, and I agree with you he moves way too fast."

She let out a breath as the room cleared, "I didn't want to meet your parents yet! He like begged me to come."

"In his defense, my parents come home like maybe once a month. They only stay for a few weeks, then they leave again," I sipped on my glass of water.

"He said that, and I was like, okay. Makes enough sense. But then he brought up Hawaii. I'm like, dude. We aren't even official yet. Calm the fuck down," She ranted. Everyone else was outside setting the food up on the table.

I smiled, "He will make it official, don't think of this as anything formal. I know it's weird, but my parents are usually very chill. They invited Jane."

"Wait, what?" Millie looked so confused, "That's weird."

"Yeah, I even mentioned she wasn't exactly his girlfriend and my mom was like 'bring her'. He said no, obviously. Or she would be here," We were leaning on the island in the kitchen. I was thinking about how this place is clean, even though they're never home.

"No, she wouldn't be," Millie said.

"Why?" I asked her, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Dude, Judah came to see her earlier today before she left for work. He broke things off. He said some shit about needing to change his ways or something. Super vague," She informed me, "I thought he would've told you or something. I was actually hoping to get some tea from you."

I sat there silently, partially in shock, "He didn't mention anything about that. But, I might have an idea of why."

Francisco came into the kitchen, "Come on guys, mom is yelling at us about you two being antisocial."

"Maybe if you didn't bombard Millie on your second day together with meeting the parents, she wouldn't need emotional support," I said snarkily.

He looked at her, then back at me, "Don't be a cunt," Millie stood there, staring at me. I realized I probably shouldn't have said that.

"Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind right now," I apologized.

"It's true thought, isn't it? I'm making you uncomfortable," Cisco asked looking at Millie.

"I mean-" She began.

"I'll leave you two alone for a bit, see you outside," I made my way out of the sliding glass door that led to the back porch. In front of it was a big wooden picnic table with all of the food set up. Judah was laughing with Robert as he set the table with paper plates and plastic silverware.

"I bet," My dad was grinning from ear to ear, him and Judah got along so well. My mom was already sitting down, trying to be patient as she waited for everyone to gather around the table.

I sat next to her on the edge of the table, "Hey momma," I smiled, dropping my head on her shoulder as a makeshift hug.

"Everything alright with Millie?" She asked.

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