Chapter 27

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After almost half an hour of covering up hickeys, I finally left the hotel room. I texted the group chat asking if anyone made plans that day. I wanted to head over to the same place that me and Judah went to yesterday, the walk over was nice. My feet weren't hurting nearly as bad anymore.

So there I was, walking down the sidewalk, minding my business. It wasn't even past noon yet. Suddenly I heard a masculine voice behind me, "Hey, I couldn't help but notice you."

I turned around to see a very muscular guy, he wasn't wearing a shirt. But I mean, it is right next to the beach in Hawaii. He had a bunch of tattoos, one of his arms had a full sleeve. His skin was very tan and his hair was dark and wavy, he had brown eyes. He was attractive, I'll give him that. "Hey," I smiled.

"My name is Elijah," He started off.


"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl," He laughed, I wanted to roll my eyes. I've heard that way too many times. But I decided to be polite and smile anyway.

"Wow, thank you."

"Wanna go grab something to eat? Maybe sit on the beach? I'd love to get to know you a bit," He proposed. He was forward. A few months ago, he might've been my type of guy.

"Oh, you can get to know me right now!" I laughed, "So I'm 20 weeks pregnant, I'm from California, I leave in like 3 days," I had a wide smile as his expression changed, "Have a nice day though."

I turned around and kept walking, "Wait up, I don't scare that easy."

I laughed and kept walking, but he paced me. I looked up to the side at him, "You should. You don't know me, dude. I just gave you many reasons to look elsewhere."

"I'm on vacation too. You think I wanted something serious?" He was blunt. The old me would definitely have a piece, on sight.

"Listen, I'm not about that life anymore. You see where it got me?" I laughed, "You really wanna fuck a pregnant woman?"

"There's a first for everything," He was smirking, "But you're the one that brought it up.

"The answer is no, sorry my guy. I don't have time for it," I rolled my eyes.

"How about I give you my number and you can just hit me up when you do have time?" He suggested, still walking next to me.

"Something about the fact that you're trying to sleep with a random, pregnant stranger just rubs me the wrong way," I laughed loudly.

"Why is your pregnancy such a deal breaker? You're a woman, creating life. Shits beautiful."

I wasn't expecting that. I stopped walking and looked at him, "You're something else."

"So your number?" He pulled out his phone.

I cocked my head to the side, "I'm not available. Sorry."

"Baby daddy issues?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I just broke up with my boyfriend who is not the father actually. My life is a lot. I don't have room for whatever you're trying to do right now. So you really should stop trying. You're a nice guy, you're gonna make some other girl's day for sure," I started walking again.

"Listen, I know when I'm not wanted. But if that's the case, I think you really could use a friend," He kept walking with me. This is borderline creepy. Why is he so insistent?

"I don't need a friend, dude. Fuck off."

"Spicy," He laughed, "Everyone needs a friend."

I looked at him again, "Dude, what's your deal?"

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