Jisung took Minho's hand and placed it on his own chest, letting the older feel every inch of his body.

He didn't break the eye contact while he lead Minho's hand lower and lower.

Minho felt the belt under his digits and retracted his hand while pushing the younger away in fear.

Jisung looked confused at him. He thought that's what Minho wanted.

The older went to sit on the couch next to David who took his shot and caressed his back.

-Are you alright? he asked with a sweet voice.

-Yeah... I just had too much to drink.

-It's ok. We can take care of that, he said placing his hand on Minho's tigh.

The latter didn't hesitate a second before breaking a glass in his ex-crush's head, making him bleed. The whole club turned to watch the scene.

-You bastard!

David rose his hand to hit him, but Jisung caught his wrist and squeezed it as hard as he could.

Minho stood up and rushed to the bathroom in panic.

-Get out. Now! Jisung ordered.

-As if. Who are you to tell me to leave?

-I am the one who will dig every little piece of broken glass into your eyes until you bleed to death, Jisung clenched his jaw. Get the fuck out!

-Psycho, he cursed before exiting the building.

Jisung cleaned the broken glass off the floor and went to check on Minho.

He was expecting the worst of the worst to happen.

-Boss? Are you here?

In the corner, Minho was crawled into a ball, crying his eyes out.

Jisung took a seat next to him and brushed away the hair from his sweaty forehead.

-He's gone.

-I'm sorry! he cried in his hands.

-For what?

-For tonight. I ruined it...

-No. That jerk did. I did. You literally did nothing wrong!

-I enjoyed it...

-Huh? Jisung tilted his head.

-I pushed you away because I was about to kiss you. I was about to take advantage of you when you were drunk. I'm sorry! Minho couldn't even face the younger. When David did the same to me, I realised how disgusting I was. I was at his level.

-But... But I made you touch me. I am to blame! I hit on you. You can't possibly be like this! You should be cursing me! I am the disgusting one! Why can't you...Jisung took a deep breath. Why can't you hate me? For the love of God, why can't you despise me like everyone else does?

-I don't have any reason to hate you, Minho swallowed his tears.

-Are you kidding me? I've been a dick since day one! I... I did everything I could to hurt you! Why the hell... Why the hell it keeps going down? Are you a masochist? he laughed like a mad man as tears started streaming down his cheeks. I could just kill myself now anyway. It will be the same anyway.

When he heard that, Minho wrapped his arms around Jisung and held him tightly.

-Please don't die! You have people that love you.

-That's exactly why I'm gonna die...Jisung whispered before breaking down in Minho's chest.


-There is no way of making you hate me, isn't it? Jisung whispered after he was done crying.

-I don't think so, Minho smiled.

Jisung looked up in Minho's puffy eyes and nodded slowly.

-Not even if I break your heart?

-Please do. All the people that have hurt me are part of me. Scars that will never fade away. Whatever happens next, I will be honoured to be scarred by you.

Jisung's lips slowly parted in amaze.

Out of all people on the planet, it had to be the sweetest soul that fell for him.

-You're not playing fair, Jisung said. You're making it so hard to stay away from you.

-Then don't, Minho put his hans on Jisung's cheek. Why can't we be like this?

-Because...Because I will break you eventually.

-Break me! I don't mind it!

-I can't hurt someone like you, Jisung started sobbing again. I would never forget myself. You will suffer. I know that.

-I am suffering right now. Being this close to you and feeling tied up. Not being able to do more.

-Your love is probably too much for me to handle. You deserve a guy who loves you equally.

-We can't love each other if we don't try first, Minho said dead serious.

Jisung stepped back, afraid to say anything else.

Minho got up and left the bathroom in silence, leaving Jisung with a heavy heart and too much to think of.

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