He was cut off by his very impatient brother. "Wait, let me get this straight. You were carrying my brother's kids and you didn't think to tell me?!" Sasuke snapped, glaring at his former teammate. "Was that why you were sick on our way to Ame?"

"She didn't know she was pregnant till I found her, Sasuke-kun." Kabuto said, defending the recently made mother.

The older Uchiha brother sighed, ignoring his brother's annoyance. It wasn't like he had known she was pregnant till now either. "Who do they look like?" He asked quietly, imagining what combination of the two the kits could be.

Yuna smiled, happy her love wanted to know about their kits.

"They're all half demons. I assume they have their mother's looks." Kabuto chuckled. "I doubt they even have your hair color, Itachi."

"That's not true..." The kyuubi mumbled quietly. "They may all be newborn kyuubi, but Hiro has Itachi's hair and eyes. Zero may look a lot like this kyuubi, but he's got Itachi's eyes too. And Mio has the small lines under her eyes, just like him."

Sasuke snorted softly, as did Kabuto. "How cute, Hiro, Zero, and Mio. I never expected you to give such names, Kyuubi." The snake cooed.

Itachi made a move forward, as though he wanted to attack the man for making fun of his children's names. "They're perfect." He growled, holding out his hand behind him to hold Yuna's.

The cloaked spy sighed, looking directly at the kyuubi. "My offer still stands. Give me a blood sample, and I'll complete the jutsu, making Itachi real flesh and bone."

"Never!" The Uchiha in statement snapped, wanting very much so to kill the spy.

"I wasn't asking you Itachi." Kabuto hissed, his golden eyes fixed on the demonic crimson by the man's side. "It's just a little blood Kyuubi, you get to have your husband back in return."

Once again the spot light was firmly set on the demon fox. Even Sasuke was remaining silent as he awaited the kyuubi's decision. Everyone of them knew Yuna would do almost anything to be with her mate again. Sasuke had been there to watch her give up her life to even follow him to the after life. There was nothing she wouldn't do for the Uchiha.

A soft sigh escaped the crimson beauty's lips, her gaze going to the man holding her hand. It would be nice to have the raven around to watch their children grow up. All those sleepless nights washed away by his presence back in her bed.

Her ears drooped a little as she thought of what she'd have to give to have him. What would Kabuto do with a sample of her treasure's blood? Was it the same reason he and Orochimaru had always wanted the sharingan? To gain more power and conduct experiments on helpless lost souls?

Then again she doubted he'd be able to use her kits blood. He'd tried to use hers while she'd been held  at the hideout Madara was keeping her in. So even her blood must have failed to react with a human host. She would have smiled, if not for the situation at hand.

The only down part of the deal was that he'd have to extract a sample of blood from one of her babes. She didn't like that, they were so small, a needle, even a small one, would hurt them. She didn't want that.

Yet then again, they may not remember the slight pinch of pain. Where as they would remember the absence of a father that died before she knew she was pregnant with them. She didn't want her kits to grow up not knowing who there father was.

It wasn't fun, even missing just one parent would be bad. They would only hear of the horrible deeds he did as an Akatsuki member, how he massacred his clan. She didn't want them to grow up hearing only bad things about him, or that their uncle had killed him.

They would hear of her horrible deeds too, no doubt. How she and their father met when she was leaving the village. How she'd planned to destroy the home they would come to know.

The way their parents killed without mercy. Yuna grimaced, the kits would have been better off if they hadn't had S-rank criminals for parents. But she couldn't change that. What's done is done.

She could only make their lives better by what she did now. If she helped the shinobi forces win the war, perhaps they would forget about her dark history. If Itachi helped fight beside them, they would accept him too right?

She didn't want her children to grow up knowing their parents were monsters. Perhaps it would be better if Itachi was there, to explain his side of the story. Yes that sounded much better than letting the village tell them about their father.

Yuna closed her eyes, taking in a breath to steady herself. "I've made my decision." She didn't open her eyes to see the type of looks she was getting from her family and enemy.

She already knew what they wanted her to do. Itachi wanted her to let him go. Sasuke wanted her to make him mortal again. And Kabuto wanted her to give him the ok to completely remake her husband and get a sample of her kit's blood.

"Well? Shall I make Itachi flesh and bone? or let him die? He's currently a nuisance for both Sasuke-kun and myself." Kabuto grumbled.

Yuna wanted to smile, the spy really needed to work on reading peoples emotions. Sasuke didn't want to kill Itachi.

"You could join forces with us, help us defeat him and send him back to the afterlife. That's what you wanted isn't it? Or do you want him to come back to life?"

"I don't think you get the point." Sasuke said, glaring at the scaly spy. "I followed Itachi because I want to talk to him."

The kyuubi between the two Uchiha let a soft smile grace her lips. She was almost happy the younger brother was there. "Mah, and you're lost to think this kyuubi would help you kill him." She growled, looking to the cloaked man.

"Tell me then... what is your decision?" He asked, eying Sasuke wearily.

The kitsune's lips pulled back in a sneer. "Kyuubi would never hand her kit over to someone like you."

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