Wordless Cries

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Chapter 4

She blinked. Her ears perking as she heard Ibiki's breathing relax. He had laid down in his room about thirty minutes before, and Yuna had been beginning to wonder how long it would take for him to succumb to sleep.

Relaxing, the demon sat up, it was time to go. Ibiki was only in a deep sleep for a few hours, then any chance of sneaking in or out would be impossible without waking the shinobi. She pulled back her blanket, revealing her normal dark blue robe and black pants.

She was surprised her guardian hadn't noticed she'd remained fully dressed when he tucked her in. She picked up her shoes, before making her escape. She didn't want to put them on just yet and risk waking the elder nin. He may be in a deep sleep, but even then there was a chance of him hearing her.

Silent as the dead, the kitsune crept on all fours. She'd already scoped out where the floor boards would creak. Unfortunately a good two meters of the hall was a hot zone for such noise, and it rested right outside the man's room.

Yuna was sure he had it specially designed for such a situation as this. She would have tried to jump over it, had she not tested her jumping earlier. Her landing was much louder than the creaks of the floor boards. She'd have to find a better way across.

One that involved her using the walls. Anyone who saw the kyuubi would have laughed at her position as she crossed the seemingly harmless hallway, unaware of the possible noise that could erupt if she set foot or hand on the floor.

Using the walls as support, Yuna scooted over the boards a good two feet off the ground. She was not entirely silent getting up, but her moving along the walls, proved to be silent, as her guardian had yet to emerge.

She really hoped by the next time she had to sneak out she would have a better escape plan than this. Yuna grimaced as her hand slipped on the smooth surface of the wall, nearly dropping herself on the hot zone.

Damn him. Damn him and all his security measures. She was sure that was what this was, a way to protect her from invaders, and a way to protect the village from her. She was definitely going to find out a way to get out of the house without having to pass by the jounin's room.

The kyuubi let out a sigh of relief, finally reaching the end of the hall. She very slowly let one foot down, followed not long after by the other. She flinched at the sound of the creak that emanated from the floor board. So much for silence.

Half expecting Ibiki to barge out of his room, she looked back to where she could just make out his door in the dark. Nothing. Pressing her ear against the wall, she listened carefully, luckily it sounded as though her slip up had not roused the man.

Yuna sighed in relief, tiptoeing the rest of the way to the apartment's kitchen window. She already knew she wouldn't be able to get out the door, even if she drowned it in oil it would scream like a banshee if she opened it.

The tailed beast, glanced over her shoulder as an extra precaution, before inching the window open enough for her to slip through. One the other side of the window now, Yuna edged it closed, the cool night air would alert Ibiki of her escape if she left it open.

Smiling at her accomplishment, the kyuubi jumped off the roof, landing gracefully on all four like a cat. Now she her only problem was finding where the people from her memory were, and meeting them before Ibiki transferred into his lighter sleep.

The kitsune frowned, tugging on her white high heels, before creeping to the open streets, still on all fours. She wanted to go as unnoticed as possible, and if luck was on her side she would be mistaken as a large dog. With the poor lighting it should be easy for her to slip past the common night wanderers.

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