Stand Down

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Kinaru: Alright, first off, Am I the only one upset with Wattpad's new change to our chapter? It just makes it harder to read and there are all these ads between pages! Seriously, you couldn't just leave things the way they were? Some of us writers are still getting used to you're update in Works..

Also, you might need these



'Speaking in Animal'

Demon/Biju/Tailed Beast voice talking” (Human can understand this one)

Alright, enough of my rambling.... Hope you enjoy.


Chapter 9

Trees tumbled, the wind changed, it was all team hebi could do not to get crushed by the beast or the trees it sent crumbling to the earth. Red filled the area above them. The area becoming hot with anger. Sasuke quickly realized this may be a little too much for even him to handle.

When the trees fell silent and the ground finally stilled, screams filled the air. The crazed yell of a familiar “Kill!” Followed these cried. The Uchiha ignored them though.

His gaze lifting to the blazing kyuubi above him. She was larger than he had expected. Hell, he'd expected her to be no bigger than him. But he could see now, that had been a pitiful assumption. The majestic beast that stood before him was ginormous, her front paw alone was large enough to cover Suigetsu completely. Sasuke figured he was no larger than two of her fingers.

He smirked slightly, thankful Yuna's attention was on the water boy. Her teeth were currently trying to sink into Suigetsu's flesh. Her humungous paws attempting to rip him limb from limb. Unfortunately, the boy's body was becoming water at her claws.


He was brought from his observation by Karin. The annoying female was trying to prevent Juugo from killing not only the Uchiha, but the kitsune and her prey of the moment. Sasuke sighed, closing his eyes, couldn't he be left along for one moment?

He activated his sharingan, meeting the tall man's gaze. “Calm down, Juugo. You don't want to kill us.” After he was sure Juugo's curse mark was receding, he relaxed, his eyes returning to charcoal.

“OI! Sasuke! A little help here!”

If it wasn't for the fact that there was a large kyuubi already trying to kill the boy, Sasuke would have driven chidori through Suigetsu's chest. Did they expect him to do everything?

“I'm sure you can handle a kitsune.” He said, waving a hand in dismissal to the light haired boy.

Sasuke's gaze returned to his old teammate. Her eyes were as demonic as they had been that night when Team seven had a slumber party. Right before she'd run off. Had she changed into this creature after leaving?

No, they would have found her easily then. Sakura had run out after the demon that night, forcing the two boys to help her search. Even if Sasuke was weary of being attacked and Naruto was terrified. They had returned fruitless after two hours of hunting. It was then Mebuki had given the Uchiha medical aid.

Ignoring the different voices around him, Sasuke approached his old friend. Dare he call her that, even with their rivalry, they had almost been that. If he hadn't of taken advantage of her weakness in that spar, friends they may have remained.

He took slow steps, not really hesitating, just taking his time, recalling old memories. Though, pause he did, when he spotted a mark on the kyuubi's upper torso, where the fur had parted. He nearly froze, that was where he had stabbed her their last meeting. It looked so much larger on this form.

Heroes Do Exist (ILYBD Trequel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon