Pretty Gift?

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Chapter 22

Yuna nodded her head, as though to agree with the former jinjuriki. Her blush no lighter than either of the red head's hair. Gaara moved forward, to hold her again, her touch was intoxicating. But the Kitsune backed up a step.

She didn't know how to react. She'd admitted to needing him, yet she was still hesitant to accept his affection.

"Don't be afraid. I won't try again, unless you ask." He said, slowly advancing. She remained weary, but allowed him to pull her into his embrace.

"See, no different than a hug from Naruto." The male red head said, gently rocking her from side to side.

She almost laughed at this, almost, her nose buried into his shoulder. The Kyuubi felt like they were swaying to the melody of the wind.

"Now that you've relaxed, How about we discuss your condition?" He asked, petting her head as they continued to move in rhythm.

"What's there to discuss? Obviously I'm pregn-.."

He interrupted. "Yes, but I wish to know how long till birth, and if you have a doctor on call?"

She scowled, looking down at there feet. "I won't need a doctor."

"Then how far along are you?"

"I don't know..."

Gaara internally groaned, he didn't want to ask when was the last time she slept with someone. He sighed, looking back at the picture of the demon and dead Akatsuki member.

"When did you find out you were..?"

"When I showed signs of morning sickness.." She mumbled, though it was actually when she realized she hadn't had her monthly cycle for some time, but she wasn't about to tell him that.

Gaara released her, going down on his knees. His head level with her stomach. He locked his gaze with hers as he placed his hands on her covered belly. She gasped softly, and he soon felt why as something hit his hand from the inside The Kazekage smiled, leaning his ear against her. He could hear the baby's heart beat.

"Are you sure you don't want to see a doctor?" He asked, looking up at her. "We could find out the gender and due date."

The kitsune shook her head. Smiling when he frowned at her answer. "Mah, this kyuubi feels safer not letting anyone know who she really is." She said quietly.

He sighed, leaning his head on her belly. "It would be easier to get you baby clothes..." The shinobi mumbled.

The demoness chuckled, her hands stroking the other red head's hair. "Who knew the Kazekage could be so childish." She teased. Yuna let her eyes slip shut as Gaara drew circles on her stomach.

She couldn't imagine a better feeling than this. That was a lie, she could imagine a better feeling. 'Itachi...'

Images of the fallen raven filled her mind. His blood on her hands as she held him. The wounds on his body. The sweet smile that had been on his lips, forever engrained in her mind.

The way Sasuke had stood over her. How he'd run her through with his katana. The horrible moment where Itachi had told her she wouldn't be staying with him in the after life. The ghostly touch of his body when they talked in the dark. The shattering of her broken heart when she lost him forever.

Yuna cried out as pain washed over her. It wasn't supposed to be this way. He wasn't meant to die, not yet. They were supposed to grow old together. He wasn't supposed to leave her alone.

The kyuubi crumbled to the ground, landing in the arms of a very distressed man. She had been fine just a moment ago, what was happening to her?

"Itachi!" Gaara froze where he was, as she clung to his shirt, crimson tears trailing down her cheeks. She was thinking about her dead lover. His heart clenched as he cuddled her to his chest.

He had been a fool to think she would instantly forget about the Uchiha. Of course she wouldn't He had seen the couple leave his village together, back when the man had broken into his office. They had been so in love...

He sighed, lifting Yuna up off the ground. "Come on, Yuna." He cooed, making his way through the hall, guessing on where her bedroom was.

She whimpered, clinging onto him more tightly. "Don't leave me..."

He winced, unsure of whether she truly meant him or Itachi. But he couldn't refuse her when she looked so pitiful. The Kazekage awkwardly climbed in behind her, not sure what else to do as she backed up into his arms.


"What do you mean you can't find her?!"

"Exactly what I mean, she has slipped off the face of the earth."

"How can you lose a pregnant kyuubi!?"

Kabuto sighed as he stared at the masked Uchiha. His temper was getting worse the longer the two remained partners. "Do remember the Akatsuki didn't know of her very existence until the death of the third Hokage."

Madara growled as he slammed his fist on the desk. "She wasn't awakened then!"

The snake like spy rolled his eyes. In truth he had already found the demon, he just knew Obito would show no mercy in killing her young. So he chose to remain quiet.

"And she knows how to hide it now.." The silver haired man retorted.

"Maybe you forget, she could cause a lot of trouble if we don't get rid of her and the demon's spawn now." The masked man growled, pacing the room.

"She would have caused less trouble if you hadn't brought her here first." Kabuto watched the Akatsuki leader take his anger out on a chair. "I can only imagine what she would have done if Sasuke had found her."

"That doesn't matter now. She swore to Itachi that she'd leave his brother alone."

This peaked the snake's interest, as he thought of the reincarnated Uchiha. Perhaps he'd make a pretty gift for the demoness.


Kinaru: That's all for now! Hope you enjoy! I'll try to upload again soon!

I know it's kinda short, but yeah...

Please vote follow and review!

I'll try to get back to you soon!




SAD NINJA OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Heroes Do Exist (ILYBD Trequel)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon